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Displaying 1 - 25 of 323 results.


    • Journal article
    Automatisation en analyse centrifuge et en flux continu du dosage des protéines totales urinaires.
    Lustenberger, P Launay-Godard, A Cornu, Guy[UCL] Bernard, S[UCL] (1978) Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry — Vol. 84, no. 3, p. 293-303 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Trimethyltin poisoning. Report of two cases.
    Fortemps, E Amand, G. Bomboir, A Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Laterre, Emile-Christian[UCL] (1978) International archives of occupational and environmental health — Vol. 41, no. 1, p. 1-6 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Modifying effects of styrene on the catalytic properties of some microsomal enzymes.
    Lambotte-Vandepaer, M Noël, Gaëtane[UCL] Rollmann, Bruno[UCL] Mercier, Michel[UCL] Roberfroid, Marcel[UCL] (1978) Archives of toxicology. Supplement. = Archiv für Toxikologie. Supplement — , no. 1, p. 287-90 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Chondromalacie de la rotule: apport de la radiologie.
    Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] Malghem, Jacques[UCL] (1978) Acta orthopaedica Belgica — Vol. 44, no. 1, p. 21-40 (1978)
    • Journal article
    A very sensitive gas chromatographic method for the evaluation of styrene oxidase and styrene oxide hydratase activities.
    van Bogaert, M Rollmann, Bruno[UCL] Noël, Gaëtane[UCL] Roberfroid, Marcel[UCL] Mercier, Michel[UCL] (1978) Archives of toxicology. Supplement. = Archiv für Toxikologie. Supplement — , no. 1, p. 295-8 (1978)
    • Journal article
    The intravertebral vacuum cleft: a sign of ischemic vertebral collapse.
    Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] Noël, Henri[UCL] Malghem, Jacques[UCL] (1978) Radiology — Vol. 129, no. 1, p. 23-9 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Vagotomie und exokrine Pankreassekretion.
    Nowak, W Fischer, U Hommel, H Lippert, H Sill, U Reding, Raymond[UCL] (1978) Zentralblatt für Chirurgie — Vol. 103, no. 14, p. 923-31 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Specific modification of the properties of the N-hydroxylase. Relationship with carcinogenesis by aromatic amides.
    Razzouk, C. Roberfroid, Marcel[UCL] Mercier, Michel[UCL] (1978) Archives of toxicology. Supplement. = Archiv für Toxikologie. Supplement — , no. 1, p. 291-4 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Biochemical characterization of liver hyperplastic nodules induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene [proceedings]
    Roberfroid, Marcel[UCL] Lans, M. de Gerlache, J Mercier, Michel[UCL] (1978) Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimie — Vol. 86, no. 4, p. 956-8 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Hormonal regulation of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in isolated rat hepatocytes.
    Hue, Louis[UCL] Felíu, J E (1978) Biochemical Society transactions — Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 29-33 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Die Pankreato-Gastrostomie asl Modifikation der Whippleschen Operation.
    Reding, Raymond[UCL] (1978) Zentralblatt für Chirurgie — Vol. 103, no. 14, p. 943-6 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Le traitement de l'infection de la coarctation opérée.
    Jaumin, P. Biglioli, P Stijns, M. Ponlot, Robert[UCL] Chalant, Charles[UCL] (1978) Annales de chirurgie thoracique et cardio-vasculaire — Vol. 17, no. 2, p. 129-32 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Etude comparée de l'anastomose porto-cave avec et sans artérialisation de la veine porte.
    Otte, Jean-Bernard[UCL] Reynaert, M.[UCL] Geubel, André[UCL] Lambotte, Luc[UCL] Gribomont, Bernard[UCL] Kestens, Paul[UCL] (1978) Acta gastro-enterologica Belgica — Vol. 41, no. 9-10, p. 493-521 (1978)
    • Journal article
    Du registre de population aux statistiqus de migration interne en Belgique : critique des sources et correction des données
    Poulain, Michel[UCL] (1978) Belgium. Centre d'Etude de la Population et de la Famille. Population et Famille — Vol. 45, no.3, p. 1-45 (1978)
