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Displaying 21 - 75 of 8705 results.


    • Speech
    Extase et decorum en France dans le premier XVIIe siècle
    Duyck, Clément[UCL] (2011) Du decorum aux bienséances : fortune d’un concept-clé de l’art poétique d’Horace — Paris, Université Sorbonne nouvelle
    • BookChapter
    Quand la sexologie surfe sur la troisième vague : Intégration d’exercices de pleine conscience dans la prise en charge du désir sexuel hypoactif féminin
    Géonet, Marie[UCL] Zech, Emmanuelle[UCL] De Sutter, Pascal[UCL] (2011) Pleine conscience et acceptation : Les thérapies de la troisième vague — [ISBN : 9782804166137]
    • Journal article
    Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the Advisory Opinion on Kosovo
    Radi, Yannick[UCL] Jacobs Dov (2011) Leiden Journal of International Law — Vol. 24, no.2, p. 331-353 (2011)
    • Speech
    Between Europe and the Balkans: The Croatian Cultural Identity through the Eyes of Two Young Croatian Generations
    Vuckovic Juros, Tanja[UCL] (2011) National Congress of the Croatian Sociological Society — Zagreb, Croatia
    • Speech
    The Communist Past in the Capitalist Present. The Experiences of Two Croatian post-Yugoslav Generations
    Vuckovic Juros, Tanja[UCL] (2011) 6th InASEA Conference Southeast European (Post) Modernities — Regensburg, Germany
    • Speech
    La place de l’intime dans les relations autobiographiques de Claudine Moine
    Duyck, Clément[UCL] (2011) L’intime à ses frontières — Dijon, Université de Bourgogne
    • Speech
    Adverse events associated with mTOR inhibition: Results from the A2310 study comparing everolimus and mmf in de novo heart transplant recipients
    Poncelet, Alain[UCL] Musumeci, F Fuchs, U F. Mattei, M Dong, G Lopez, P Hirt, S (2011) 15th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, ESOT and 22nd Annual Conference of the British Society for His — Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Journal article
    Note sous Cass., 27 juin 2011
    Gollier, Jean-Marc[USL-B] (2011) Revue pratique des sociétés - Tijdschrift voor rechtspersoon en vennootschap — Vol. 2011, no.n.a., p. 178-197 (2011)
    • Speech
    A gradient-based segmentationmethod for FDG-PET based GTV delineation: clinical validation in NSCLC
    Wanet, M[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] Weynand, Birgit[UCL] De Bast, Marc[UCL] Poncelet, Alain[UCL] Lacroix, Valérie[UCL] Coche, Emmanuel[UCL] Grégoire, V[UCL] Geets, Xavier[UCL] (2011) ESTRO Anniversary - GEC-ESTRO - EIOF - 11th Biennial — London, United Kingdom
    • Speech
    Effect of everolimus and donor/recipient serology on cytomegalovirus infection in heart transplant recipients: A subanalysis of the ranomized trial A2310
    Potena, L Pellegrini, C Musumeci, F Parameshwar, J Dong, G Lopez, P Poncelet, Alain[UCL] (2011) 15th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, ESOT and 22nd Annual Conference of the British Society for His — Glasgow, United Kingdom
    • Speech
    Umbilical cord matrix stem cells maintain a stable genotype after long-term in vitro culture
    Scheers, Isabelle[UCL] Paganelli, M[UCL] Lombard, Catherine[UCL] Najimi, Mustapha[UCL] Sokal, Etienne[UCL] (2011) 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: The Liver Meeting 2011 — San Francisco, CA, United States
    • Speech
    Le paradigme documentaire
    Reverseau, Anne[UCL] (2011) Séminaire du groupe MDRN — KU Leuven
    • Speech
    Une perspective anthropologique des conflits environnementaux
    Simon, Lionel[UCL] (2011) Etude du phénomène NIMBY en perspective comparée (Wallonie-Québec). Approches historique et anthropologique de la réappropriatio — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Modeling the entrainment of the mammalian cell cycle by the circadian clock
    Gérard, Claude[UCL] (2011) Structure and Dynamics of Cellular Regulatory Networks — Fondation des Treilles, Tourtour, France
    • BookChapter
    L'innovation repensée
    Messean, Antoine Bui, Sibylle[UCL] Munier-Jolain, Nicolas Parisi, Luciana Ricci, Pierre (2011) Repenser la protection des cultures. Innovation et transitions — [ISBN : 978-2-7592-1676-5]
    • Speech
    Dynamics of the network of cyclin-dependent kinases driving the mammalian cell cycle
    Claude Gérard[UCL] (2011) BioMagnet General Meeting: « Bridging the gap between bioinformatics and modeling » — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    Effect of positive feedback loops on the dynamics of the mammalian cell cycle
    Claude Gérard (2011) Annual meeting of the european consortium C5Sys (Circadian and Cell Cycle Clock systems in Cancer) — Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
    • BookChapter
    New Council Regulation on VAT cooperation and EUROFISC
    Lamensch, Marie[UCL] (2011) Sharing information across borders in indirect and direct tax – 2010 The permanent establishment in international tax law – 2011 — [ISBN : 9789299005729]
