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Displaying 7 results.
    • Speech
    Tamoxifen-inducible intestinal MyD88 invalidation improves diet induced obesity through endocannabinoïd system
    Everard, Amandine[UCL] Pierard, Florian[UCL] Geurts, Lucie[UCL] Duparc, Thibaut[UCL] Bindels, Laure B.[UCL] Muccioli, Giulio[UCL] Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] Robine, Sylvie Luquet, Serge Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2013) Probiotics, Prebiotics and the Host Microbiome: the Science of Translation organized by The New York Academy of Sciences and The Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science — New-York
    • Journal article
    Cross-talk between Akkermansia muciniphila and intestinal epithelium controls diet-induced obesity
    Everard, Amandine[UCL] Belzer, Clara Geurts, Lucie[UCL] Ouwerkerk, Janneke P Druart, Céline[UCL] Bindels, Laure B.[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Derrien, Muriel Muccioli, Giulio[UCL] Delzenne, Nathalie M.[UCL] de Vos, Willem M Cani, Patrice D.[UCL] (2013) Proceedings of the National academy of sciences of the United States of America — Vol. 110, no.22, p. 9066-9071 (2013)