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Displaying 10 results.
    • BookChapter
    Vascular Malformations
    Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in General Medecine — [ISBN : 978-0-07-146690-5]
    • BookChapter
    Arteriovenous malformation in mice and men
    Revencu, Nicole[UCL] Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Tumor angiogenesis — [ISBN : 978-3-540-33176-6]
    • BookChapter
    Vascular Anomalies
    Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine — [ISBN : 978-0-07-149443-4]
    • BookChapter
    TEK (TIE2) and cutaneomucosal venous malformation
    Wouters, Vinciane[UCL] Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Mulliken, John B. Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Inborn errors of development — [ISBN : 978-0-19-530691-0]
    • Journal article
    La génétique des anomalies vasculaires
    Aerts, Virginie[UCL] Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Journal du Pédiatre Belge — Vol. 10, no. 2, p. 50-55 (2008)
    • BookChapter
    GLMN and glomuvenous malformation
    Brouillard, Pascal[UCL] Enjolras, Odile Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Inborn errors of development — [ISBN : 978-0-19-530691-0]
    • BookChapter
    RASA1 and capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation
    Revencu, Nicole[UCL] Boon, Laurence M.[UCL] Mulliken, John B. Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Inborn errors of development — [ISBN : 978-0-19-530691-0]