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Displaying 6 results.
    • Journal article
    Mobility should be fun. A consumer (law) perspective on border check technology
    De Hert, Paul Bellanova, Rocco[FUSL] (2011) The Scientific World Journal — Vol. 11, p. 490-502 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Waiting for the barbarians or shaping new societies? A review of Helen Nissenbaum’s Privacy InContext (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010)
    Bellanova, Rocco[FUSL] (2011) Information Polity : an international journal on the development, adoption, use and effects of information technology — Vol. 16, no.4, p. 391-395 (NaN)
    • BookChapter
    The German Constitutional Court Judgment on Data Retention: Proportionality Overrides Unlimited Surveillance (Doesn’t It?)
    de Vries, Ekaterina[FUSL] Bellanova, Rocco[FUSL] De Hert, Paul Gutwirth, Serge (2011) Computers, Privacy and Data Protection: an Element of Choice — [ISBN : 978-94-007-0640-8]
    • Speech
    Fencing the Sea Borders? The "Making (Sense) Of" EUROSUR
    Bellanova, Rocco[FUSL] Duez, Denis[FUSL] (2011) 6th General Conference ECPR — Reykjavik, Iceland
    • Speech
    Body Scanners, Scanned Bodies: Turning Subjects into Objects of Security
    Bellanova, Rocco[FUSL] González Fuster, Gloria (2011) International Studies Association (ISA)'s 52nd Annual Convention — Montréal, Quebec, Canada
    • Journal article
    Following the Digitalised Rabbit: Biometrics, Bodies and Borders
    Bellanova, Rocco (2011) The International Spectator — Vol. 46, no.1, p. 152-154 (2011)