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Displaying 1 - 25 of 189 results.


    • Journal article
    Evaluation of the nephrotoxic potential of styrene in man and in rat
    Viau, C. Bernard, Alfred[UCL] De Russis, R. Ouled, A. Maldague, Pierre[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1987) Journal of Applied Toxicology — Vol. 7, no. 5, p. 313-316 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Health significance of cadmium induced renal dysfunction: a five year follow up.
    Roels, Harry[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Buchet, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Vos, A.[UCL] Oversteyns, M.[UCL] (1989) British Journal of Industrial Medicine — Vol. 46, no. 11, p. 755-764 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Urinary kallikrein activity in workers exposed to cadmium, lead, or mercury vapour.
    Roels, Harry[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Buchet, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Lijnen, P. Van Houte, Guy[UCL] (1990) British Journal of Industrial Medicine — Vol. 47, no. 5, p. 331-337 (1990)
    • Journal article
    Early indicators of renal dysfunction in silicotic workers
    Boujemaa, Wided Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Bernard, Alfred[UCL] (1994) Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health — Vol. 20, no. 3, p. 180-183 (1994)
    • Journal article
    Low-molecular-weight proteins as markers of organ toxicity with special reference to Clara cell protein.
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1995) Toxicology letters — Vol. 77, no. 1-3, p. 145-51 (1995)
    • Journal article
    Clara cell protein in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Marchandise, F.X. Depelchin, Suzanne[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Sibille, Yves[UCL] (1992) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 5, no. 10, p. 1231-1238 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Clara cell protein in human amniotic fluid: a potential marker of fetal lung growth
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Thielemans, Nathalie Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Langhendries, Jean-Paul Van Lierde, Michel Freund, Maria M. (1994) Pediatric Research : international journal of human developmental biology — Vol. 36, no. 6, p. 771-775 (1994)
    • Journal article
    Monitoring of early nephrotoxic effects of industrial chemicals
    Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Cardenas, Antonio[UCL] (1992) Toxicology Letters — Vol. 64-65, p. 33-42 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Selective increase in the urinary excretion of protein 1 (Clara cell protein) and other low molecular weight proteins during normal pregnancy
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Thielemans, N. Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] van Lierde, M. (1992) Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation — Vol. 52, no. 8, p. 871-878 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Assessment of thyroid, testes, kidney and autonomic nervous system function in lead-exposed workers
    Gennart, Jean-Philippe Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1992) International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health — Vol. 64, no. 1, p. 49-57 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Loss of glomerular polyanion correlated with albuminuria in experimental cadmium nephropathy
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] Ouled Amor, A. (1992) Archives of Toxicology — Vol. 66, no. 4, p. 272-278 (1992)
    • Journal article
    Early decrease of serum Clara cell protein in silica-exposed workers
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Gonzalez-Lorenzo, J. M. Siles, E. Trujillano, G. Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1994) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 7, no. 11, p. 1932-1937 (1994)
    • Journal article
    Renal effects of in utero exposure to mercuric chloride in rats
    Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Collette, C. Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1992) Archives of Toxicology — Vol. 66, no. 7, p. 508-513 (1992)
