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Displaying 1 - 25 of 153 results.


    • Journal article
    Construction-based teaching of the German caused motion and intransitive constructions to Italian learners
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Mollica, Fabio (2017) Deutsch als Fremdsprache : Zeitschrift fuer Theorie und Praxis des Deutschunterrichts fuer Auslaender — (NaN)
    • Speech
    “Les lettres debout au tableau” : langue, culture et conceptualisations
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2023) Célébration de remise des diplômes — Faculté de philosophie, lettres et sciences humaines - Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles
    • Journal article
    A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Pedagogical Grammar: Current Results and Future Directions
    De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] De Rycker, Teun (2008) LAUD Preprints — Vol. Series A, no.1, p. 1-20 (2008)
    • Speech
    The integration of frequency dimensions and lexicalization preferences in foreign language learning
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2023) NVT-net, Taal, communicatie en cognitie: van onderzoek naar onderwijs — Université de Liège
    • Speech
    A contrastive study of Germanic satellite-framed languages: The role of prepositions, postpositions and morphosyntactic case-marking
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Gallez, Françoise[USL-B] (2023) International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC16) — Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
    • Speech
    Ein Bilder-‚Tsunami‘: Metaphorik zur Corona Pandemie
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2022) Vortrag des Hamburger Zweigs der Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) — Hamburg, Goethe Institut
    • Speech
    Ditransitive constructions : A challenge for Italian learners of German
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Mollica, Fabio (2023) International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC10) — Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim
    • Speech
    How to foster the learning of the German ditransitive construction with corpus data
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Mollica, Fabio (2023) XXIII. Deutscher Hispanistentag, Hispanistik in neuen Umwelten:Digitalisierung-Reinskriptionen-Schnittstellen — Universität Graz (Österreich)
    • Speech
    A constructionist approach of complex phrases with pleonastic adverbials
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2021) Constructing PATHS in L1 and L2 German — Université de Bâle
    • Speech
    The integration of frequency dimensions and lexicalization preferences in foreign language learning
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2021) Foreign language teaching and learning — Université de Bâle
    • Speech
    The integration of frequency dimensions and lexicalization preferences in contrastive analysis
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2021) 9th International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC9) — Université de Gênes
    • Speech
    Ditransitive argument structure constructions in FLT
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Mollica, Fabio (2022) Cognitive Linguistics as an Interdisciplinary Endeavour: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges (9. DGKL) — Université de Erfurt
    • Journal article
    Causal constructions with a colour adjective at the crossroads between Construction Grammar and phraseology
    De Knop, Sabine[FUSL] Mollica, Fabio (2014) Linguistik Online — Vol. Patterns in Language Use: Construction Grammar meets Phraseology (2014)
    • Speech
    German constructions with pleonastic adverbials
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2021) International Conference on Construction Grammar 11 (ICCG11) — Antwerp
    • Speech
    The integration of frequency dimensions and lexicalization preferences in contrastive analysis
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2020) International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC9) — Genoa, Italy
    • Speech
    La Belgique à travers les textes – Potenziale des sprachlichen und soziokulturellen Wissenserwerbs
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] Bürgel, Christophe (2021) Belgien–anregend anders:Fachwissenschaft und Fachdidaktik untersuchen die Vielfalt der Sprachen,Literaturen und Kulturen in B. — Universität Paderborn, Germany
    • Journal article
    The embodied teaching of complex verbal phrases with German placement verbs and spatial prepositions
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2020) Review of Cognitive Linguistics — Vol. 18, no. 1, p. 131-161 (2020)
    • Speech
    Expressions of motion events in German: an integrative constructionist approach for FLT
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2018) ICCG10, Construction grammar(s) today : Methodologies, concepts and Applications. — Paris
    • Journal article
    From Construction Grammar to embodied construction practice
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2020) Constructions and Frames — Vol. 12, no. 1, p. 121-148
    • Speech
    Der Mehrwert der Konstruktionsgrammatik für die Beschreibung von Kausalkonstruktionen mit Farbbezeichnungen.
    De Knop, Sabine[USL-B] (2018) Konstruktionsgrammatik und Mehrsprachigkeit — Frankfurt am Main
