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Displaying 1 - 25 of 1676 results.


    • Journal article
    Alkylating activity in serum, urine, and CSF following high-dose ifosfamide in children.
    Ninane, J. Baurain, R. de Kraker, J Ferster, A. Trouet, André[UCL] Cornu, Guy[UCL] (1989) Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology — Vol. 24 Suppl 1, p. S2-6; discussion S7 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Comparative pharmacology of cardiac and vascular tissues in heart failure
    Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] (1989) Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology — Vol. 14, no. Suppl 8, p. S1-S20 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Clinical implementation in BNCT (boron neutron capture therapy): fractionated versus protracted low dose rate irradiation.
    Wambersie, André[UCL] Scalliet, Pierre[UCL] (1989) Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al] — Vol. 165, no. 5, p. 407-11 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis and epidermoid carcinoma.
    Chaput, M Ninane, J. Gosseye, Serge[UCL] Moulin, Didier[UCL] Hamoir, Marc[UCL] Claus, D. Francis, C. Richard, Françoise[UCL] Vermylen, Christiane[UCL] Cornu, Guy[UCL] (1989) The Journal of pediatrics — Vol. 114, no. 2, p. 269-72 (1989)
    • Journal article
    The glycosome of trypanosomes: properties and biogenesis of a microbody.
    Michels, Paulus[UCL] (1989) Experimental parasitology — Vol. 69, no. 3, p. 310-5 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Effect of endothelin-1 on calcium channel gating by agonists in vascular smooth muscle
    Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] Mennig, D. Morel, Nicole[UCL] Wibo, Maurice[UCL] (1989) Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology — Vol. 13, no. Suppl 5, p. S112-S117 (1989)
    • Journal article
    High-affinity GABA uptake in a subpopulation of somatostatin cells in rat pancreas.
    Gilon, Patrick[UCL] Remacle, Claude[UCL] (1989) Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry : imaging the spectrum of cell biology — Vol. 37, no. 7, p. 1133-1139 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Pharmacological properties of voltage-dependent calcium channels in functional microvessels isolated from rat brain
    Morel, Nicole[UCL] Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] (1989) Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology — Vol. 340, no. 4, p. 442-451 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Neutron therapy of soft tissue sarcoma at Louvain-la-Neuve (interim results 1987).
    Richard, Françoise[UCL] Renard, L. Wambersie, André[UCL] (1989) Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al] — Vol. 165, no. 4, p. 306-8 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Patellofemoral joint: 30 degrees axial radiograph with lateral rotation of the leg.
    Malghem, Jacques[UCL] Maldague, Baudouin[UCL] (1989) Radiology — Vol. 170, no. 2, p. 566-7 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Stimulation of glucose phosphorylation by fructose in isolated rat hepatocytes.
    Van Schaftingen, Emile[UCL] Vandercammen, A. (1989) European journal of biochemistry — Vol. 179, no. 1, p. 173-7 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Medical and technical usefulness of measurement of kappa and lambda immunoglobulin light chains in serum with an M-component.
    Lievens, Michel[UCL] (1989) Journal of clinical chemistry and clinical biochemistry. Zeitschrift für klinische Chemie und klinische Biochemie — Vol. 27, no. 8, p. 519-23 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Optimized insulin delivery: achievements and limitations.
    Buysschaert, Martin[UCL] (1989) Diabète & métabolisme — Vol. 15, no. 4, p. 188-203 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Investigation into the mechanism of tetracycline-induced steatosis: study in isolated hepatocytes.
    Deboyser, D. Goethals, F. Krack, G. Roberfroid, Marcel[UCL] (1989) Toxicology and applied pharmacology — Vol. 97, no. 3, p. 473-9 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Online brain attenuation correction in PET: towards a fully automated data handling in a clinical environment.
    Michel, Christian[UCL] Bol, Anne[UCL] De Volder, Anne[UCL] Goffinet, André[UCL] (1989) European journal of nuclear medicine — Vol. 15, no. 11, p. 712-8 (1989)
    • Journal article
    Les localisations des épanchements péricérébraux du nourrisson.
    Strootbandt, G.[UCL] (1989) Neuro-Chirurgie — Vol. 35, no. 6, p. 407-9, 411 (1989)
