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Displaying 3 results.
    • Speech
    Politicians between person(s) and people: the importance of personal vs. depersonalizing strategies in Spanish parliamentary debate
    De Cock, Barbara[UCL] (2012) II International Conference on Communication, Cognition and Media: Political and Economic Discourse — Braga, Portugal
    • Speech
    What do we 'see' in bank reports?: Perception verbs as a bridge between text and image
    De Cock, Barbara[UCL] Hanegreefs, Hilde (2012) II International Conference on Communication, Cognition and Media: Political and Economic Discourse — Braga, Portugal
    • Speech
    La agentividad en el Informe Rettig
    De Cock, Barbara[UCL] Michaud Maturana, Daniel (2012) VIII Congreso Internacional Bianual de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Cognitiva: Constructos en el lenguaje, el pensamiento y el cerebro: ¿Qué determina qué? — Almería, Espagne