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Displaying 1 - 25 of 196 results.


    • BookChapter
    Revisiting Land-Cover Mapping Concepts
    Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Bontemps, Sophie[UCL] (2012) Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover : Principles and Applications — [ISBN : 978-1-4200-7074-3]
    • Speech
    Globcorine - A joint EEA-ESA initiative for an operational land cover mapping dedicated to the European continent
    Bontemps, Sophie[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Van Bogaert, Eric[UCL] Weber, Jean-Louis Arino, Olivier (2009) Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Land Use and Land Cover — Bonn, Germany
    • Speech
    A 300 m Central Africa vegetation map based on multi-sensor time series
    Verhegghen, Astrid[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2009) 3rd Workshop of the EARSeL SIG on Remote Sensing of Land Use & Land Cover — Bonn
    • BookChapter
    Continental and Regional Approaches for Improving Land-Cover Maps of Africa
    Mayaux, Philippe Vancutsem, Christelle Pekel, Jean-François de Wasseige, Carlos Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Hansen, Matthew C. Mane, Landing (2012) Remote Sensing of Land Use and Land Cover : Principles and Applications — [ISBN : 978-1-4200-7074-3]
    • Speech
    Cours d'eau non navigables par intégration cartographique
    Marlier, Catherine[UCL] Bombaerts, Vincent[UCL] Mokadem, Abdel Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2012) Proceedings of Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics - SAGEO — Liège
    • Speech
    Deforestation vs Degradation : case of Haha argan (Argania spinosa) forests - western Morocco. Poster
    El Wahidi, Farid Mounir, Fouad Defourny, Pierre[UCL] Ponette, Quentin[UCL] Sabir, M. (2010) International Scientific Conference "Advanced scientific tools for desertification policy". IFAD — Rome, Italy
    • Speech
    Annual mapping of water surfaces at 25 cm in a regional monitoring context
    d'Andrimont, Raphaël[UCL] Marlier, Catherine[UCL] Defourny, Pierre[UCL] (2015) The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment — Berlin, Germany, ISRSE36-456
