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Displaying 2 results.
    • Speech
    Role of 'synthetic methods' on magnetic properties in [Fe(3-Br-Phen)2(NCS)2]
    Naik, Anil Damadar[UCL] Tinant, Bernard[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2008) IAP Meeting "Powder synthesis at the nano- and microscale" — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    N-salicylidene aniline derivatives : highly versatile thermo- and photo-switchable molecules
    Robert, François[UCL] Naik, Anil Damadar[UCL] Tinant, Bernard[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2008) IAP Meeting - Powder synthesis at the nano- and microscale — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium