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Displaying 1 - 25 of 62 results.


    • Journal article
    Pathway discovery in metabolic networks by subgraph extraction
    Faust, Karoline Dupont, Pierre[UCL] Callut, Jerome[UCL] van Helden, Jacques (2010) Bioinformatics — Vol. 26, no. 9, p. 1211-1218 (2010)
    • Speech
    Joint optimization of predictive performance and selection stability
    Hamer, Victor[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2020) 28th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning — Bruges, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Identifying gene-specific subgroups: an alternative to biclustering
    Branders, Vincent[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2019) BMC Bioinformatics — Vol. 20, no.625, p. 13 (2019)
    • Speech
    Robust Selection Stability Estimation in Correlated Spaces
    Hamer, Victor[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2021) European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases — Bilbao (online)
    • Journal article
    An Importance Weighted Feature Selection Stability Measure
    Hamer, Victor[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2021) Journal of Machine Learning Research — Vol. 22, no.116, p. 1-57 (2021)
    • Journal article
    MicroCellClust: mining rare and highly specific subpopulations from single-cell expression data
    Gerniers, Alexander[UCL] Bricard, Orian[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2021) Bioinformatics — Vol. 37, no. 19, p. 3220-3227 (2021)
    • Speech
    CP(graph): Introducing a graph computation domain in constraint programming
    Dooms, Grégoire[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2005) 11th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2005) — Sitges(Spain)
    • Speech
    A Mozart implementation of CP(BioNet)
    Dooms, Grégoire[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2005) 2nd International Conference Multiparadigm Programming in Mozart/Oz — Charleroi(Belgium)
    • Journal article
    STAMINA: A Competition to Encourage the Development and Assessment of Software Model Inference Techniques
    Walkinshaw, Neil Lambeau, Bernard[UCL] Damas, Christophe[UCL] Bogdanov, Kirill Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2012) Empirical Software Engineering : an international journal — Vol. 18, no.4, p. 791-824 (2013)
    • Speech
    Ensemble logistic regression for feature selection
    Zakharov, Roman[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2011) 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics — Delft, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    The deviation constraint
    Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] Regin, J.-C. (2007) Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. 4th International Conference, CPAIOR 2007 — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    Filtering for subgraph isomorphism
    Zampelli, Stephane[UCL FSA/INGI] Deville, Yves[UCL] Solnon, Christine Sorlin, Sébastien Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2007) Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. 13th International Conference, CP 2007 — Providence, RI, USA
    • Speech
    A position-based propagator for the open-shop problem
    Monette, Jean-Noël[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2007) Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. 4th International Conference, CPAIOR 2007 — Brussels, Belgium
    • BookChapter
    Simplification and extension of the SPREAD Constraint
    Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] Regin, Jean-Charles (2007) Trends in Constraint Programming — [ISBN : 978-1-905209-97-2]
    • Journal article
    Supervised classification of solar features using prior information
    De Visscher, Ruben Delouille, Véronique Dupont, Pierre[UCL] Deledalle, Charles-Alban (2015) Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate — Vol. 5, no.A34, p. 1-12 (2015)
    • Speech
    Explicit Control of Feature Relevance and Selection Stability Through Pareto Optimality
    Hamer, Victor[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2019) Interactive Adaptive Learning (IAL2019) — Würzburg (Germany)
    • Speech
    Learning Computationally Efficient Metrics for Large Scale Person Identification
    Hamer, Victor[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2018) BENELEARN2018 — Jheronimus Academy of Data Science
    • Journal article
    Kernel methods for heterogeneous feature selection
    Paul, Jérôme[UCL] D'Ambrosio, Roberto[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2015) Neurocomputing — Vol. 169, p. 187-195 (2015)
    • Journal article
    A balanced hazard ratio for risk group evaluation from survival data
    Branders, Samuel[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2015) Statistics in Medicine — Vol. 34, no.17, p. 2528-2543 (2015)
