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Displaying 31 - 100 of 1970 results.


    • Journal article
    Hematopoietic growth factors as supportive therapy for cancer- and chemotherapy-induced conditions.
    Symann, Michel[UCL] (1991) Current opinion in oncology — Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 648-55 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Bacteriologic quality of intraoperative autotransfusion.
    Ezzedine, Houda Baele, Philippe[UCL] Robert, Annie[UCL] (1991) Surgery — Vol. 109, no. 3 Pt 1, p. 259-264 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Disturbance of sialic acid metabolism by chronic cadmium exposure and its relation to proteinuria.
    Cardenas Flores, Antonio[UCL] Bernard, Alfred[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1991) Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology — Vol. 108, no. 3, p. 547-558 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Biological responses of isolated macrophages to cobalt metal and tungsten carbide-cobalt powders.
    Lison, Dominique[UCL] Lauwerys, Robert[UCL] (1991) Pharmacology & Toxicology (Print) — Vol. 69, no. 4, p. 282-285 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Immunoturbidimetric assay of beta 2 microglobulin using latex particles in microplates.
    Collet-Cassart, D Poncelet, S. De Nayer, Philippe[UCL] (1991) Journal of immunological methods — Vol. 142, no. 2, p. 183-5 (1991)
    • Journal article
    IS231A from Bacillus thuringiensis is functional in Escherichia coli : transposition and insertion specificity
    Hallet, Bernard[UCL] Rezsohazy, René[UCL] Delcour, Jean[UCL] (1991) Journal of Bacteriology — Vol. 173, no. 14, p. 4526-9 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Voltage dependent membrane conductances in cultured renal distal cells.
    Granitzer, M. Nagel, W. Crabbé, J (1991) Biochimica et biophysica acta — Vol. 1069, no. 1, p. 87-93 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Characterization of histamine-induced contraction in rat isolated aorta
    Schoeffter, Philippe Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] (1991) European Journal of Pharmacology — Vol. 197, no. 2-3, p. 193-200 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Leucoplasie orale et immunodépression.
    Marcoux, C. Bourlond, André[UCL] Malfait, Y. Kwembeke, F. (1991) Annales de dermatologie et de vénéréologie — Vol. 118, no. 6-7, p. 457-60 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Enhancement of IgG production elicited in mice by treatment with anti-CD8 antibody.
    Coutelier, Jean-Paul[UCL] (1991) European journal of immunology — Vol. 21, no. 10, p. 2617-20 (1991)
    • Journal article
    IgG subclass distribution of primary and secondary immune responses concomitant with viral infection.
    Coutelier, Jean-Paul[UCL] van der Logt, J T Heessen, F W (1991) Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) — Vol. 147, no. 4, p. 1383-6 (1991)
    • Journal article
    The predictive value of microcephaly during the first year of life for mental retardation at seven years.
    Dolk, H.[UCL] (1991) Developmental medicine and child neurology — Vol. 33, no. 11, p. 974-83 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Postoperative P.C.A. in abdominal surgery. Analysis of 200 consecutive patients.
    De Kock, Marc[UCL] Scholtes, Jean-Louis[UCL] (1991) Acta anaesthesiologica Belgica — Vol. 42, no. 2, p. 85-91 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Mortality and morbidity conferences in a teaching anesthesia department.
    Baele, Philippe[UCL] Veyckemans, Francis[UCL] Gribomont, Bernard[UCL] (1991) Acta anaesthesiologica Belgica — Vol. 42, no. 3, p. 133-47 (1991)
    • Journal article
    The two power limits conditioning step frequency in human running.
    Cavagna, G A Willems, Patrick[UCL] Franzetti, P. Detrembleur, Christine[UCL] (1991) The Journal of Physiology — Vol. 437, p. 95-108 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Etat actuel de la transplantation pancréatique.
    Squifflet, Jean-Paul[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] Pacetti, G Alexandre, Guy P.[UCL] (1991) Acta chirurgica Belgica — Vol. 91, no. 2, p. 96-9 (1991)
    • Journal article
    A rat gene encoding heart 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase.
    Darville, M I Chikri, M. Lebeau, E. Hue, Louis[UCL] Rousseau, Guy[UCL] (1991) FEBS letters — Vol. 288, no. 1-2, p. 91-4 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Contributing factors for osteogenesis in children's limb lengthening.
    Lokietek, Wladyslaw[UCL] Legaye, Jean Lokietek, J C (1991) Journal of pediatric orthopedics — Vol. 11, no. 4, p. 452-8 (1991)
