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Displaying 1 - 25 of 28 results.


    • Journal article
    Information-theoretic feature selection for functional data classification
    Gomez-Verdejo, Vanessa Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Fleury, Jerome (2009) Neurocomputing — Vol. 72, no. 16-18, p. 3580-3589 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Residual variance estimation in machine learning
    Liitiainen, Elia Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Corona, Francesco Lendasse, Amaury (2009) Neurocomputing — Vol. 72, no. 16-18, p. 3692-3703 (2009)
    • BookChapter
    A Supervised Wavelet Transform Algorithm for R Spike Detection in Noisy ECGs
    de Lannoy, Gaël[UCL] De Decker, Arnaud[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies — [ISBN : 978-3-540-92218-6]
    • Journal article
    Quality assessment of dimensionality reduction: Rank-based criteria
    Lee, John Aldo[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) Neurocomputing — Vol. 72, no. 7-9, p. 1431-1443 (2009)
    • BookChapter
    Advances in Feature Selection with Mutual Information
    Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Rossi, Fabrice François, Damien[UCL] (2009) Similarity-Based Clustering — [ISBN : 978-3-642-01804-6]
    • Speech
    Clustering fractal urban patterns with curves of scaling behavior
    Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] Frankhauser, Pierre Frénay, Benoît[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) 49th Congress of the European Regional Science Association "Territorial cohesion of Europe and integrative planning" (ERSA 2009) — Lodz (Poland)
    • Speech
    Random model of vibrations for Foreign Object Damage detection in a civil aircraft engine
    Azan, Aurélien Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Cottrell, Marie (2009) Machine Learning for Aerospace International Workshop (MLA 2009) — Marseille (France)
    • Speech
    Elimination of electrocardiogram contamination from vagus nerve recordings using ICA
    de Lannoy, Gaël[UCL] Costecalde, Thomas[UCL] Marin, Jorge[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Delbeke, Jean[UCL] (2009) 14th Annual International FES Society Conference (IFESS 2009) — Seoul (Corea)
    • Speech
    Feature selection
    Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) Soft Computing and Statistics, COST Action IC0702 summer course 2009 — Lisbon (Portugal)
    • Speech
    A tribute to Jeanny Hérault
    Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2009) — Grenoble (France)
    • Speech
    Improving the transition modelling in hidden Markov models for ECG segmentation
    Frénay, Benoît[UCL] de Lannoy, Gaël[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) 17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning (ESANN 2009) — Bruges (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Adaptive anisotropic denoising: a bootstrapped procedure
    Lee, John Aldo[UCL] De Decker, Arnaud[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) 17th European Symposium on Artificail Neural Networks - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning (ESANN 2009) — Bruges (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Supervised Variable Clustering for Classification of NIR Spectra
    Krier, Catherine[UCL] François, Damien[UCL] Rossi, Fabrice Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) 17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks - Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning (ESANN 2009) — Bruges (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Nonlinear dimensionality reduction and visualization
    Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] (2009) SFC (Société Française de Classification) 2009 — Grenoble (France)
    • Speech
    Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
    Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] (2009) UCL Large Graphs group seminar — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Patch-Based Bilateral Filter and Local M-Smoother for Image Denoising
    De Decker, Arnaud[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) 17th European Symposium on Artifician Neural Networks - Advances in Computational Intellignece and Learning (ESANN'09) — Bruges (Belgium)
    • Speech
    How to assess the quality of nonlinear dimensionality reduction techniques?
    Verleysen, Michel[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] (2009) Dagstuhl seminar "Similarity-based learning on structures" — Dagstuhl (Germany)
    • Speech
    Variance Stabilizing Transformations in Patch-Based Bilateral Filters for Poisson Noise Image Denoising
    De Decker, Arnaud[UCL] Lee, John Aldo[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2009) — Minneapolis (Minnesotta/USA)
    • Speech
    The intrusion-extrusion compromise for the projection and visualization of high-dimensional data
    Lee, John Aldo[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) Colloquium "Statistiques pour le traitement de l’image" (STATIM 2009) — Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France)
    • Speech
    Clustering patterns of urban builtup areas with curves of fractal scaling behavior
    Frankhauser, Pierre Frénay, Benoît[UCL] Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) ASRDLF 2009, Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française — Clermont-Ferrand (France)
    • Speech
    Fault prediction in aircraft engines using self-organizing maps
    Cottrell, Marie Gaubert, Patrice Eloy, Cédric[UCL] François, Damien[UCL] Hallaux, Geoffroy[UCL] Lacaille, Jérôme Verleysen, Michel[UCL] (2009) 7th International Workshop Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM 2009) — St. Augustine (Florida/USA)
