
Displaying 31 - 40 of 101 results.


  1. Nonius Software: Venture capital harvesting
    By : Fábrica, Luis[UCL] Directed by : Grégoire, Philippe (2017) Louvain School of Management

  2. Active investing in the automotive industry through market and fundamental approaches
    By : Lasanow, Didrik[UCL] Directed by : Grégoire, Philippe[Louvain School of Management (UCL)] (2016) Louvain School of Management

  3. Corporate Hybrid Bonds : Solvay Case Study
    By : Walravens, François[UCL] Directed by : Grégoire, Philippe[UCL] (2017) Louvain School of Management

  4. Accès des PME aux subsides – un accès restreint et conditionnel ?
    By : Adjanor, Coami[UCL] Directed by : Grégoire, Philippe[UCL] (2019) Louvain School of Management

  5. Institutional Ownership and M&A Performance
    By : Mischke, Kevin[UCL] Directed by : Grégoire, Philippe[UCL] (2019) Louvain School of Management
