
Displaying 291 - 294 of 294 results.


  1. International trade agreements : the interplay between trade and the environment
    By : Mallardo, Andrea[UCL] Directed by : Vannoorenberghe, Gonzague[UCL] (2023) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication

  2. A Tale of Inter-Linkages: Monetary Policy and Income Inequality
    By : Barletta, Andrea[UCL] Directed by : Pensieroso, Luca[UCL] (2023) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication

  3. Universities and growth: a model of human capital accumulation
    By : Manfredini, Filippo[UCL] Directed by : David de la Croix[UCL] Roberto Perotti[UCL] (2023) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication

  4. Class Socioeconomic Composition and Low-SES Children’s Academic Achievement - What is the Role of Personality?
    By : Martins Resende, Rafael[UCL] Directed by : Catherine Guirkinger Trudie Schils[UCL] (2023) Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication
