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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 133 results.


    • Journal article
    The International Paralympic Committee as a change-maker? Insights from the institutional theory
    Gérard, Simon[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2017) Diagoras, International Academic Journal on Olympic Studies — Vol. 1, p. 95-116 (2017)
    • Speech
    Institutional Work and new Organizational forms: the case of the early development of the Paralympic Movement
    Gérard, Simon Brittain, Ian Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2018) 18th EURAM Conference “Research in Action” — University of Iceland, Reikjavik (Iceland)
    • Journal article
    Organizational Resources and Collaboration between Sport Clubs: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis
    Lefebvre, Arthur[UCL] Zeimers, Géraldine[UCL] Rihoux, Benoît[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2022) International Journal of Sport Management — Vol. 23, no.2022, p. 170-190 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Examining Collaboration Among Nonprofit Organizations for Social Responsibility Programs
    Zeimers, Géraldine[UCL] Anagnostopoulos, Christos Zintz, Thierry[UCL] Willem, Annick (2019) Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly — Vol. 48, no.5, p. 953-974 (2019)
    • Speech
    L'accès de tous aux loisirs sportifs, une question de gouvernance publique du sport
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2007) Journée d'Etude francophone : Loisirs, sports et sociétés. Regards croisés France - Belgique - Suisse — Université de Franche-Comté , Laboratoire de Sociologie et d'Anthropologie - LaSA-EA 389
    • BookChapter
    Jacques Rogge, au service des anneaux olympiques
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] Vanmeerbeek, Roger (2014) Les grands dirigeants du sport. 23 portraits et stratégies de management — [ISBN : 2804183041]
    • Journal article
    Les fédérations sportives
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] Winand, Mathieu (2013) Courriers hebdomadaires / Centre de Recherche et d'Information Socio-Politiques — no. 2179, 52 p.
    • BookChapter
    Médias et petits sports en Belgique francophone
    Derèze, Gérard[UCL] Zintz, Thierry (2007) Sports et médias — [ISBN : 978-2-85816-937-5]
    • Journal article
    World Anti-doping Agency: a meta-organizational perspective
    Malcourant, Emilie[UCL] Vas, Alain[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2015) Sport, Business and Management — Vol. 5, no.2, p. 75-95 (2015)
    • Journal article
    Un management innovant face à un environnement changeant. Le défi majeur des fédérations sportives
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2004) Les cahiers des sciences administratives — Vol. Hors Série, no. 1, p. 125 (2004)
    • Speech
    Strategies towards the spreading of Olympism and Olympic education by National Olympic Committees : An international perspective
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2010) UCSIA International Workshop - Sport, a matter of peace? — UCSIA Antwerp (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Pathways to high performance sports governing bodies
    Winand, Mathieu[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2009) 17th European Association of Sport Management (EASM) Congress — Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
    • Speech
    Les défis de l’emploi et des compétences dans le sport en Europe
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2016) Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF) — Paris, France
    • Journal article
    Local sport club presidents’ perceptions of collaboration with sport federations
    Lefebvre, Arthur[UCL] Zeimers, Géraldine[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2021) Managing Sport & Leisure — Vol. O, no. O, p. O (2021)
    • BookChapter
    Construire les réseaux et les relations.
    Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2009) Marketing des organisations sportives — [ISBN : 978-2-8041-0629-4]
    • Speech
    Theoretical Method to analyze Conditions of Organizational Performance using Qualitative Comparative Analysis : The case of Sports Federations from the French Speaking Community of Belgium
    Winand, Mathieu[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] (2008) 24th EGOS Colloquium : Comparing Organizations: New approaches to Using case Study, Small-N, and Set-Theoretical Methods — Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
    • Speech
    Pathways to Hight Performance Sport Governing Bodies
    Winand, Mathieu[UCL] Zintz, Thierry[UCL] Rihoux, Benoît[UCL] Qualizza, David[UCL] (2009) European Association of Sport Management Conference — The Netherlands
