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Displaying 1 - 25 of 28 results.


    • Journal article
    The net water circulation in the far Northern Great Barrier Reef
    Wolanski, Eric Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] (2020) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science — Vol. 235, no.5, p. 106569 (2020)
    • Journal article
    A multi-scale model of the hydrodynamics of the whole Great Barrier Reef
    Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Hanert, Emmanuel[UCL] Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] Bernard, Paul-Emile[UCL] Legat, Vincent[UCL] Remacle, Jean-François[UCL] Wolanski, Eric (2008) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science — Vol. 79, no. 1, p. 143-151 (2008)
    • Speech
    Studying coral reefs connectivity using SLIM and tools from graph theory
    Hanert, Emmanuel[UCL] Thomas, Christopher[UCL] Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] Wolanski, Eric (2012) 11th International Workshop on Unstructured Mesh Numerical Modelling of Coastal, Shelf and Ocean Flows — Delft, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    The transport and fate of riverine fine sediment exported to a semi-open system
    Delandmeter, Philippe[UCL] Lewis, Stephen Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Legat, Vincent[UCL] Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] Wolanski, Eric (2016) 48th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics Submesoscale Processes: Mechanisms, Implications and new Frontiers — Liège
    • Journal article
    Modelling the fate of marine turtle hatchlings
    Hamann, Mark Grech, Alana Wolanski, Eric Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] (2011) Ecological modelling — Vol. 222, no. 8, p. 1515-1521 (2011)
    • Speech
    Influence of the vertical discretisation of SLIM 3D on a river plume modelling
    Delandmeter, Philippe[UCL] Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Remacle, Jean-François[UCL] Legat, Vincent[UCL] Wolanski, Eric Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] (2015) IMUM 2015 - 14th International workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling for coastal, shelf, and global ocean dynamics. — Portland, Oregon, USA
    • Speech
    A 3D baroclinic model of the Burdekin River Plume
    Delandmeter, Philippe[UCL] Wolanski, Eric Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Legat, Vincent[UCL] Lewis, Stephen Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] (2014) 13th International Workshop on Multiscale (Un)-structured mesh numerical ocean modeling (IMUM 2014) — Lisbonne (Portugal)
    • Speech
    A fine sediment module for the two-dimensional component of SLIM
    Gourgue, Olivier[UCL] Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] Legat, Vincent[UCL] Wolanski, Eric (2010) 9th International workshop on Multiscale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling for coastal, shelf, and global ocean dynamics — Cambridge, MA, USA
    • Journal article
    The Sediment Trapping Efficiency of the Macro-tidal Daly Estuary, Tropical Australia
    Wolanski, Eric Williams, D. Hanert, Emmanuel[UCL] (2006) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science — Vol. 69, no. 1-2, p. 291-298 (2006)
    • Journal article
    The net water circulation through Torres Strait
    Wolanski, Eric[UCL] Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Thomas, Christopher[UCL] Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] (2013) Continental Shelf Research — Vol. 64, p. 66-74 (2013)
    • Speech
    A 3D baroclinic model of the Burdekin River Plume
    Delandmeter, Philippe[UCL] Lambrechts, Jonathan[UCL] Wolanski, Eric Legat, Vincent[UCL] Deleersnijder, Eric[UCL] (2014) Joint Numerical Sea Modelling Group Conference (JONSMOD 2014) — Bruxelles (Belgique)
