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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 84 results.


    • Journal article
    Novel self-assembling PEG-p-(CL-co-TMC) polymeric micelles as safe and effective delivery system for Paclitaxel.
    Danhier, Fabienne[UCL] Magotteaux, Nicolas[UCL] Ucakar, Bernard[UCL] Lecouturier, Nathalie[UCL] Brewster, Marcus Préat, Véronique[UCL] (2009) European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics — Vol. 73, no. 2, p. 230-238 (2009)
    • Speech
    Paclitaxel-loaded micelles enhance the vascular permeability and retention of nanomedicines in tumors
    Danhier, Fabienne[UCL] Danhier, Pierre[UCL] De Saedeleer, Christophe[UCL] Schleich, Nathalie[UCL] Ucakar, Bernard[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] Gallez, Bernard[UCL] Préat, Véronique[UCL] (2013) 3rd Conference on “Innovation in Drug Delivery: Advances in Local Drug Delivery — (Italy) Pisa
    • Journal article
    pH-sensitive nanoparticles for colonic delivery of curcumin in inflammatory bowel disease.
    Beloqui Garcia, Ana[UCL] Coco, Régis[UCL] Memvanga Bondo, Patrick[UCL] Ucakar, Bernard[UCL] des Rieux, Anne[UCL] Préat, Véronique[UCL] (2014) International Journal of Pharmaceutics — Vol. 473, no.1-2, p. 203-212 (2014)
    • Speech
    PLGA-Curcumin nanoparticles promote wound healing activity
    Chereddy, Kiran Kumar[UCL] Coco, Régis[UCL] Memvanga Bondo, Patrick[UCL] Ucakar, Bernard[UCL] des Rieux, Anne[UCL] Vandermeulen, Gaëlle[UCL] Préat, Véronique[UCL] (2014) Louvain Drug Research Institute - Doctoral Day — Brussels, Belgium
