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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 36 results.


    • Speech
    From fragmented evidence to the identification of kitchens and cooking practices. A diachronic approach from Minoan Crete
    Tsafou, Evgenia Dubois, Roxane[UCL] (2022) 5th International and post-graduate and early career scholars’ conference in Aegean Archaeology — Universite ctholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium)
    • Speech
    A diachronic study of culinary practices and pottery use in Minoan Crete: an integrated approach in cooking vessels from Sissi and Malia
    Maria Roumpou Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2022) 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East — The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, (Cyprus)
    • Speech
    Traces of fire and residues of food. A functional approach of cooking vessels from Bronze Age Crete
    Tsafou, Evgenia (2023) XXIVe colloque du GMPCA (Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie): Archéométrie 2023organized by lab — Université Côte d'Azur Nice France
    • Speech
    Minoan cooking vessels: An interdisciplinary approach on their function and use
    Tsafou, Evgenia (2023) YRA Young Researchers in Archaeometry 2023 — University of Tubingen (Germany)
    • Speech
    Minoan Cuisine: an insight into the cooking practices through the ceramic cooking vessels of north-central Crete
    Tsafou, Evgenia (2023) 13th Day on Belgian Archaeological Research in the Ancient Greek World — KMKG/MRAH Brussels
    • Speech
    Exploitation of vegetal resources. In the town of Malia, evidence from excavations
    Maria Ntinou Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] Maia Pomadere Anaya Sarpaki (2021) Society and environment in Bronze Age Crete. Recent Geoarchaeological Researches — École française d'Athènes (Greece)
    • Speech
    The application of the organic residue analysis on the study of Minoan ceramic vessels from the 2nd millenium BCE Crete
    Tsafou, Evgenia (2023) EAA 2023, Annual meeting of European Archaeologists, Weaving Narratives — Belfast
    • Speech
    Function and Use of Minoan Cooking Vessels: Traditions and Changes
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2022) 13th International Cretological Conference 2022 — Agios Nikolaos, Crete (Greece)
    • Speech
    Cooking traditions of Minoan Crete: an interdisciplinary study on ceramic cooking vessels
    Tsafou, Evgenia (2023) Change and Continuity — In the Graduate Student Conference of the Canadian Institute at Athens, (Greece)
    • BookChapter
    Function and use of ceramic vessels. Application of organic residue analysis at Sissi (ORA.SI).
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2022) Excavations at Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2018 campaigns — [ISBN : 978-2-39061-198-1]
    • Speech
    Identifying the changing function and use of cooking vessels in Minoan societies.
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2020) SCAPECON 2020, No (E)scape: Relational Archaeology in the Aegean Bronze Age, Breaking boundaries: negotiating change in the Aeg — Online event
    • BookChapter
    Late Bronze Age Perinatal and Infants’ Burials at Sissi
    Sperandio, Emeline Schmitt, Aurore Claeys, Thérèse[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2021) Sissi V. Preliminary Report on the 2017-2019 Excavations — [ISBN : 978-2-39061-198-1]
    • Speech
    Function and Use of Utilitarian Pottery in Minoan Crete: an interdisciplinary approach
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2018) AEGIS DAY III, 27th March 2018 — UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Fonction et utilisation de la céramique de cuisine en Crète à l’Âge du Bronze: approche interdisciplinaire
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] Langohr, Charlotte[UCL] (2019) Approche fonctionnelle des céramiques archéologiques. 2e journée d'étude groupe de contact FNRS Ceramic Research in Archaeology — ULB, Bruxelles
    • Speech
    A microbotanical approach to plant preparation and consumption in the prehistoric Aegean.
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] Garcia-Granero JJ Lymperaki M Tsirtsi K (2019) 18th Conference of the International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP) — Lecce Italy
    • Speech
    Analyses de résidus et pratiques culinaires à Malia. Residue Analysis and Culinary Practices at Malia. Recherches à Malia (Crète) Actualités et perspectives
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2020) Recherches à Malia (Crète) Actualités et perspectives, Journée d’étude , École française d'Athènes — Weninaire
    • Speech
    Approaching function and use of Minoan (Bronze Age Crete) utilitarian vessels. An interdisciplinary study.
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2018) 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists : Reflecting Futures (EAA — Barcelona
    • Journal article
    The Application of Organic Residue Analyses On The Study Of The Function And Use Of Minoan Cooking Vessels.
    Tsafou, Evgenia[UCL] (2025) Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry. International Journal — (2025)
