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Displaying 1 - 25 of 66 results.


    • Speech
    Quand peut-on conserver le matériel face à une infection ?
    Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Manon, Julie[UCL] Buzisa Mbuku, Randy[UCL] Poilvache, Hervé[UCL] Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Van Cauter, Maïté[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Yombi, Jean Cyr[UCL] (2023) MASTERCLASS Innovations et voies d'amélioration des infections ostéo-articulaires — (France) Bordeaux
    • Journal article
    Traumatic injuries of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis.
    Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Manon, Julie[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] (2021) Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research — Vol. 107, no. 1 Suppl, p. 102778 [1-11] (2021)
    • BookChapter
    Fractures diaphysaires du fémur
    Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Kaminski, Ludovic[UCL] Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Yombi, Jean Cyr[UCL] (2016) Manuel pratique d’orthopédie et de traumatologie —
    • Journal article
    L'hallux valgus : que dire au patient en première ligne ?
    Fasseaux, Maxime[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] (2023) Louvain médical — Vol. 142, no.3, p. 180-185 (2023)
    • Speech
    Epidemiology, demographics and treatment of pelvic ring fractures: a comparative retrospective register study
    Van Den Wyngaert, Thomas[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Van Cauter, Maïté[UCL] Kaminski, Ludovic[UCL] Banse, Xavier[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2015) 25nd meeting of Belgian Orthopaedic and Trauma Association, and Kunstcher Society — (Belgium) Brussels
    • Journal article
    Establishing a bone bank in developing countries
    Traore, Alidou[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Diatta Oukondiole, Abdou[UCL] lambert, Vincent[UCL] Marchal, Christophe[UCL] Locquet, Jean[UCL] Van Isacker, Tom[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2010) Nigerian Journal of Orthopaedics and Trauma — Vol. 9, no.2, p. 40-44 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Risk of virus transmission through femoral head allografts: A Belgian appraisal
    Traore, Alidou[UCL] Yombi, Jean Cyr[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2013) Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma — Vol. 4, no.3, p. 119-122 (2013)
    • Speech
    Définition et approche des pseudarthroses
    Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Manon, Julie[UCL] Buzisa Mbuku, Randy[UCL] Poilvache, Hervé[UCL] Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] (2023) Congrès de la SIVCOT — (Ivory Coast) Yamoussoukro
    • Journal article
    Lemierre Syndrome of the Femoral Vein, Related to Fusobacterium necrophorum Abscess of Vastus Lateralis
    Yombi, Jean Cyr[UCL] Bogaert, Tom[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Danse, Etienne[UCL] (2016) The Journal of Emergency Medicine (New York) — Vol. 50, no.4, p. e191-e193 (2016)
    • Speech
    Treatment of long bone non--‐unions with Allomatrix
    de Wouters, Sophie[UCL] Traore, Sidi Yaya[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Lecouvet, Frédéric[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2015) 25nd meeting of Belgian Orthopaedic and Trauma Association, and Kunstcher Society — (Belgium) Brussels
    • BookChapter
    Les lésions traumatiques de la syndesmose tibio-fibulaire distale
    Cornu, Olivier[UCL] Manon, Julie[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] (2020) Conférences d’enseignement 2020 — [ISBN : 9782294772504]
    • Journal article
    Scarf osteotomy without internal fixation to correct hallux valgus.
    Leemrijse, Vincent[UCL] Maestro, M Tribak, Karim[UCL] Gombault, V Devos Bevernage, Bernhard Deleu, P-A (2012) Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research — Vol. 98, no. 8, p. 921-927 (2012)
    • Speech
    Epidemiology, demographics and treatment of pelvic ring fractures: a comparative retrospective register study
    Van Den Wyngaert, Thomas[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Van Cauter, Maïté[UCL] Kaminski, Ludovic[UCL] Banse, Xavier[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2015) 25nd meeting of Belgian Orthopaedic and Trauma Association, and Kunstcher Society — (Belgium) Brussels
    • Speech
    Treatment of long bone non--‐unions with Allomatrix
    de Wouters, Sophie[UCL] Traore, Sidi Yaya[UCL] Tribak, Karim[UCL] Putineanu, Dan Constantin[UCL] Lecouvet, Frédéric[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2015) 25nd meeting of Belgian Orthopaedic and Trauma Association, and Kunstcher Society — (Belgium) Brussels
