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Displaying 1 - 25 of 332 results.


    • Speech
    Lactic acid in tumors: metabolic fuel and signaling agent
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2011) Seminars of the CRP santé Luxembourg (NorLux Laboratory) — Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    • Speech
    Lactate triggers glutamine uptake through c-Myc activation in oxidative cancer cells.
    Perez Escuredo, Jhudit[UCL] Dadhich, Rajesh Kumar[UCL] Dhup, Suveera[UCL] Van Hee, Vincent F[UCL] Brisson, Lucie[UCL] Porporato, Paolo[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2014) Annual meeting of the International Society for Tumor Metabolism (ISCaM) — Smolenice, Slovakia
    • Speech
    A mitochondrial switch promotes tumor metastasis
    Porporato, Paolo[UCL] Payen, Valéry[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2015) Keystone Symposium: integrating metabolism and tumor biology — Vancouver, BC, Canada
    • Speech
    Mitochondria in cancer metastasis: license to drive.
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2015) Nobel Forum: frontiers in cancer research and therapy — Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
    • Journal article
    Paving the way for a therapeutic prevention of tumor metastasis with agents targeting mitochondrial superoxide
    Porporato, Paolo[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2014) Molecular & Cellular Oncology — Vol. 2, no. 3, p. e968043 (2014)
    • Journal article
    Pathological effects of ionizing radiation: endothelial activation and dysfunction
    Baselet, Bjorn[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] Baatout, Sarah Aerts, An (2019) Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences — Vol. 76, no. 4, p. 699-728 (2018)
    • Speech
    Mitochondrial superoxide at the core of the metastatic process of cancers
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2021) Journée Mitochondrie Métabolisme et Cancer — Angers University, France
    • Speech
    Radiation-induced cardiovascular risks and the potential prophylactic effects of statins
    Baselet, Bjorn[UCL] Aerts, An Rombouts, Charlotte Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] Baatout, Sarah (2013) TUMETABO meeting — Salle de réunion FATH, tour Vésale +5, Avenue E Mounier 52, 1200 Brussels
    • Speech
    Lactate heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2010) Warburg Seminar: multidisciplinary metabolic approaches to understand and exploit the Warburg effect for cancer treatment — Groningen, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    LDHB regulates autophagy-dependent tumor cell proliferation
    Brisson, Lucie[UCL] Copetti, Tamara[UCL] Sboarina, Martina[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2013) CRUK Cancer Institute symposium — Cambridge, UK
    • Journal article
    Mitochondria in cancer
    Gasparre, Giuseppe Rossignol, Rodrigue Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2017) BBA. Bioenergetics — Vol. 1858, no.8, p. 553-555 (2017)
    • Speech
    Radiation-induced cardiovascular risks and the potential prophylactic effects of statins
    Baselet, Bjorn[UCL] Aerts, An Rombouts, Charlotte Baatout, Sarah Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2013) Meet and greet the new scientists of the Institute for Environment, Health and Safety — SCK•CEN
    • Journal article
    Lactate: unconventional roles of a nutrient along the tumor landscape
    Ippolito, Luigi Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] Chiarugi, Paola (2022) Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism — Vol. 33, no. 4, p. 231-235 (2022)
    • Speech
    Opening lecture: preventing cancer metastasis with superoxide scavengers
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2021) 9th International Symposium of Gunma University for Advanced Research: Breakthroughs in Cancer Metabolism and Technological Pers — Gunma, Japan
    • Speech
    Metastasis prevention (in breast cancer) with superoxide scavengers
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2022) Radiotherapy Online-Seminar Series of the University of Maastricht/MUMC/Maastro — Maastricht, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    Preventing cancer metastasis with superoxide scavengers
    Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] (2021) 4th Metabolism & Cancer conference — Bordeaux, France
    • Speech
    Paclitaxel-loaded micelles enhance the vascular permeability and retention of nanomedicines in tumors
    Danhier, Fabienne[UCL] Danhier, Pierre[UCL] De Saedeleer, Christophe[UCL] Schleich, Nathalie[UCL] Ucakar, Bernard[UCL] Sonveaux, Pierre[UCL] Gallez, Bernard[UCL] Préat, Véronique[UCL] (2013) 3rd Conference on “Innovation in Drug Delivery: Advances in Local Drug Delivery — (Italy) Pisa
