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Displaying 1 - 25 of 37 results.


    • Speech
    Six-month immune protection of porcine islets transplantaed in non-diabetic cynomolgus monkeys without immunosuppression
    Dufrane, Denis[UCL] Goebbels, Rose-Marie[UCL] Saliez, Alain[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (2005) 8th International Xenotransplantation Congress/2nd International Symposium on ABO Incompatibility in Transplantation — Goteborg (Sweden)
    • Journal article
    14C-Propoxyphene demethylation in the rat : An example of differences between liver and intestinal drug-presystemic metabolism
    Horsmans, Yves[UCL] Saliez, Alain[UCL] van den Berge, Véronique Desager, Jean-Pierre[UCL] Geubel, André[UCL] Pauwels, Stanislas[UCL] Lambotte, Luc[UCL] (1997) Drug Metabolism and Disposition : the biological fate of chemicals — Vol. 25, no. 11, p. 1257-1259 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Dehoux, Jean-Paul[UCL] Legrand, Eric[UCL] Saliez, Alain[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (2001) Revue de l'association belge des technologues de laboratoire — Vol. 28, no. 3, p. 223-235 (2001)
    • Speech
    Streptozotocin-induced diabetes in large animals (Pigs/Primates): role of GLUT-2 transporter and Bêta-cell plasticity
    Dufrane, Denis[UCL] van Steenberghe, Mathieu[UCL] Guiot, Yves[UCL] Goebbels, Rose-Marie[UCL] Saliez, Alain[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (2005) 8th International Xenotransplantation Congress/2nd International Symposium on ABO incompatibility in transplantation — Goteborg, Sweden
    • Speech
    Rat kidney subcapsular space is a more appropriate site than peritoneum or subcutaneous space to transplant pig encapsulated islets
    Dufrane, Denis[UCL] Goebbels, Rose-Marie[UCL] van Steenberghe, Mathieu[UCL] Saliez, Alain[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] (2005) 8th International Xenotransplantation Congress/2nd International Symposium on ABO Incompatibility in Transplantation — Goteborg (Sweden)
    • Journal article
    Prior ligation of portal branches improves survival after a 90% portal hepatectomy in the rat
    Li, B. Saliez, Alain[UCL] Lambotte, Luc[UCL] (1997) European Surgical Research : clinical and experimental surgery — Vol. 29, no. 4, p. 273-279 (1997)
