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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 76 results.


    • Journal article
    Magnetic neutron spectroscopy of a spin transition Mu(III) molecular complex
    Didier, K. Petit, S. Gillon, B. Chaboussant, G. Safin, Damir[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2014) Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics — Vol. 90, p. 104407 (2014)
    • Speech
    Complexation and compression on Mn(BH4)2 (poster)
    Tumanov, Nikolay[UCL] Cerny, R. Richter, B. Jensen, T. R. Safin, Damir[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] Filinchuk, Yaroslav[UCL] (2013) Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Hydrogen-Metal Systems — Lucca (Italy)
    • Speech
    N-Thiophosphorylated Thioureas modified by N-salicylidene aniline fragments as a new family of ligands and their complexes with Ni(II) (poster)
    Babashkina, M. G.[UCL] Safin, Damir[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) Réunion de la Société Royale de Chimie - Analytical Chemistry — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Complexation properties of phosphorylated N-salicylidene aniline derivatives (poster)
    Babashkina, M. G.[UCL] Safin, Damir[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2013) 9th Meeting of the German Coordination Chemistry Society — Bayreuth (Germany)
    • Speech
    Rich coordination chemistry of N-thiophosphorylated thioureas towards Ni(II)(poster)
    Babashkina, M. G.[UCL] Safin, Damir[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) Thematic doctoral school chimie moléculaire, supramoléculaire et fonctionnelle — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Supramolecular aggregates of N-thiophosphorylated thioureas with Cu(I) and Ag(I): Synthesis, structures and properties (poster)
    Babashkina, M. G.[UCL] Safin, Damir[UCL] Bolte, M. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2011) Thematic Doctoral School : Chimie moléculaire, supramoléculaire et fonctionnelle — Liège, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Solid-state thermo- and photochromism in N,N′-bis(5-X-salicylidene) diamines (X = H, Br)
    Safin, Damir[UCL] Robeyns, Koen[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) RSC Advances — Vol. 2, no. 30, p. 11379-11388 (2012)
    • Journal article
    Influence of polymorphism on N-thiophosphorylated thiourea 4-Me2NC6H4NHC(S)NHP(S)(OiPr)2 crystal design
    Babashkina, M.G.[UCL] Safin, Damir[UCL] Robeyns, Koen[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) Inorganic Chemistry Communications — Vol. 18, no.--, p. 34-37 (2012)
    • Journal article
    Organic matrix-induced formation of a discrete cyclic [Cl2(H2O)2]2– hybrid cluster
    Safin, Damir[UCL] Babashkina, M.G.[UCL] Robeyns, Koen[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2017) New Journal of Chemistry — Vol. 41, p. 8263-8269
