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Displaying 1 - 25 of 54 results.


    • Speech
    Spin state tuning in FeII 1D coordination polymers made of amino acid derivatives (poster)
    Railliet, Antoine[UCL] Castanho Vaz, Pedro[UCL] Naik, Anil D.[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Marchand-Brynaert, Jacqueline[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) International Symposium on the Industrial Applications of Mössbauer Spectroscopy (ISIAME 2012) — Dalian (China)
    • Journal article
    Weak cooperativity in selected iron(II) 1D coordination polymers
    DÎrtu, Marinela Maria[UCL] Gillard , Damien[UCL] Naik, Anil D.[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) Hyperfine Interactions — Vol. 205, no. 1-3, p. 75-79 (2012)
    • Speech
    Two step spin transition in a FeII 1D 1,2,4-triazole molecular sensor (poster)
    Dîrtu, Marinela M.[UCL] Schmit, France[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Naik, Anil[UCL] Rackwitz, S. Wolny, J. A. Schünemann, V. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2013) Thematic Doctoral School - Chemistry of life : from theory to therapeutic applications — Namur (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Controlling spin state in Fe(II) 1D coordination polymers made of amino acids derivatives (poster)
    Railliet, Antoine[UCL] Castanho Vaz, Pedro[UCL] Naik, Anil D.[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Marchand-Brynaert, Jacqueline[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) Thematic doctoral school chimie moléculaire, supramoléculaire et fonctionnelle — Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
    • Journal article
    Ligand field strength tuning in the model [Fe(H2Bpz2)2(bipy)] spin crossover complex
    Xue, Shufang[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2019) Hyperfine Interactions — Vol. 240, no.1, p. 91 (2019)
    • Speech
    Gradual spin conversion behavior of a iron(II) complex with photochromic organic anions (poster)
    Ghosh, Ashta Chandra[UCL] Van Hecke, K. Rotaru, Aurelian Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2017) Thematic doctoral school: ‘Molecular, supramolecular and functional chemistry’ Biomolecules — Gembloux (Belgium)
    • Journal article
    Inside front cover
    Li, Weiyang[UCL] Sun, Li[UCL] Robeyns, Koen[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Liu, Cuilian[UCL] Singleton, Michael L.[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2022) Journal of Materials Chemistry C — Vol. 10, no.24, p. 9156-9156 (2022)
    • Journal article
    A non-porous Fe(II) complex for the colorimetric detection of hazardous gases and the monitoring of meat freshness
    Sun, Li[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2022) Journal of Hazardous Materials — Vol. 437, no.437, p. 129364 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Influence of intermolecular interactions and size effect on LITH-FORC diagram in 1D spin crossover compounds
    Rotaru, Aurelian Graur, A. Rotaru, G.-M. Linares, J. Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2012) Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials — Vol. 14, no. 5-6, p. 529-536 (2012)
    • Speech
    Molecular Based Hybrid Magnetic Materials with possibility To control their magnetic properties Via Light Irradiation (poster)
    Kumar, Varun[UCL] Evrard, Q. Rogez, G. Rabu, P. Rotaru, Aurelian Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2018) Nano-synergetics Workshop for Young Researchers - Photo-active materials with cooperative and synergetic responses — Lille (France)
    • Journal article
    A Colorimetric Sensor for the Highly Selective, Ultra-sensitive, and Rapid Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds and Hazardous Gases
    Sun, Li[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Robeyns, Koen[UCL] Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2021) Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research — Vol. 60, p. 8788–8798 (2021)
    • Journal article
    57Fe Mössbauer study of an iron(II) sensor for the detection of toxic gases at room temperature
    Sun, Li[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2021) Hyperfine Interactions — Vol. 242, no.1, p. 23 (2021)
    • Journal article
    Pyrazole's substituents effect on the spin state of [Fe(bpp)2]2+complexes
    Oulmidi, Afaf[UCL] Rotaru, Aurelian Radi, Smaail Garcia, Yann[UCL] (2021) Hyperfine Interactions — Vol. 242, no.1, p. 8 (2021)
