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Displaying 1 - 25 of 33 results.


    • BookChapter
    Creatine and actin in regenerating rat gastrocnemius muscles
    Plaghki, L.[UCL] Beckers-Bleukx, G.[UCL] Bertrand, C. Maréchal, Georges[UCL] (1980) Exercise Bioenergetics and Gas Exchange —
    • Speech
    Recovery from the tension deficit produced by a release at a slow velocity
    Plaghki, L.[UCL] Maréchal, Georges[UCL] (1979) 8th European Conf Muscle Motili — Heidelberg
    • Speech
    Sensory control of paravertebral muscle differentiation in young and adult dogs
    Maréchal, Georges[UCL] Plaghki, L.[UCL] Lokietek, W. (1979) Differentiation and cell communication — Atlanta
    • Speech
    [Isoenzymes of Lactic-dehydrogenase During Regeneration of Rat Soleus Muscle]
    Plaghki, L.[UCL] Van Schoor, M.[UCL] Maréchal, Georges[UCL] (1979) Réunion de l'association des physiologistes — Paris
    • Speech
    Les protéines contractiles du gastrocnémien de grenouille en régénération
    Maréchal, Georges[UCL] Plaghki, L.[UCL] Beckers-Bleukx, G.[UCL] (1976) Réunion de l'Association des physiologistes — Paris
    • Speech
    CPK and CT in striated muscles
    Maréchal, Georges[UCL] Plaghki, L.[UCL] Van Schoor, M.[UCL] (1978) 7th European Conf Muscle Motility — Varsaw
    • BookChapter
    The Functional Recovery of Minced Muscles
    Bertrand, C. Plaghki, L.[UCL] Maréchal, Georges[UCL] (1981) Muscle Transplantation —
    • Speech
    Biochemical and mechanical studies of the regenerating rat soleus muscle
    Whalen, R., Plaghki, L.[UCL] Maréchal, Georges[UCL] (1979) 8th European Conf Muscle Motility — Heidelberg
    • Journal article
    CPK et CT dans les muscles striés
    Maréchal, Georges[UCL] Plaghki, L.[UCL] Colson-Van Schoor, M. (1979) Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimie — Vol. 87, no. 1, p. 141-2 (1979)
