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Displaying 12 results.
    • Journal article
    Muon capture by B-11 and the hyperfine effect
    Wiaux, V.[UCL] Brudanin, V. Egorov, V. Petitjean, C. Truoel, Peter Prieels, René[UCL] Deutsch, Jules[UCL] Govaerts, Jan[UCL] (2002) Physical Review C, Nuclear Physics — Vol. 65, p. 025503 (2002)
    • Journal article
    The muon capture rate of Ca-48
    Fynbo, HOU Egorov, V. Brudanin, V. Chirtchenko, A Deutsch, Jules[UCL] Lebedev, V Petitjean, C. Riisager, K Vassiliev, S (2003) Nuclear Physics, Section A — Vol. 724, no. 3-4, p. 493-501 (2003)