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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 297 results.


    • Speech
    The influence of weathering processes on Si, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mo stable isotope fractionation in the Critical Zone: a case study from Icelandic soils
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) Conference “Metal Stable Isotope Geochemistry” & Final IsoNose Workshop — Sorèze, France
    • Speech
    Mineral Weathering in Thawing Permafrost: Causes and consequences
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) “Coupling Earth system function to climatic change” — Bordeaux
    • Journal article
    The reserve of weatherable primary silicates impacts the accumulation of biogenic silicon in volcanic ash soils
    Henriet, Céline[UCL] De Jaeger, Nathalie[UCL] Dorel, M. Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Delvaux, Bruno[UCL] (2008) Biogeochemistry : an international journal — Vol. 90, no. 2, p. 209-223 (2008)
    • Speech
    Tracing controls on iron export from high latitude peat soils
    Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2018) POLAR 2018 — Davos, Switzerland
    • Journal article
    Seasonal changes in hydrology and permafrost degradation control mineral element-bound DOC transport from permafrost soils to streams
    Hirst, Catherine[UCL] Mauclet, Elisabeth[UCL] Monhonval, Arthur[UCL] Tihon Emeline[UCL] Ledman Justin Schuur Edward A.G. Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2022) Global Biogeochemical Cycles : an international journal of global change — Vol. 36, no. 2 (2022), p. 1-24 (2022)
    • Speech
    Can we use Arctic rivers to detect permafrost thaw?
    Hirst, Catherine[UCL] Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] (2021) ELI DAY 2021 — LLN - ONLINE ZOOM
    • Journal article
    What is diatomite?
    Zahajská, Petra Opfergelt, Sophie[UCL] Fritz, Sherilyn C. Stadmark, Johanna Conley, Daniel J. (2020) Quaternary Research — Vol. 96, p. 48-52 (2020)
