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Displaying 5 results.
    • Speech
    Quantum spin transport in carbon chains
    Zanolli, Z. Onida, G. Charlier, Jean-Christophe[UCL] (2010) Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials (TRNM10-workshop) — Levi, Finland
    • Journal article
    The ETSF : an e-infrastructure to bridge simulation and experiment
    Matsuura, Anne[UCL] Thrupp, Nicola[UCL] Gonze, Xavier[UCL] Pouillon, Y. Bruant, G. Onida, G. (2012) Computing in Science & Engineering : the bimonthly magazine of computational tools and method — Vol. 14, p. 22-32 (2012)
    • Speech
    Tranport properties of carbon atomic wires
    Zanolli, Z. Onida, G. Charlier, Jean-Christophe[UCL] (2009) ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations 2009 — Evora, Portugal