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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 98 results.


    • Journal article
    The Role of Learning on Insect and Spider Sexual Behaviors, Sexual Trait Evolution, and Speciation
    Dion, Emilie Monteiro, Antónia Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] (2019) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution — Vol. 6 (2019), no. 225, p. 1-24 (2019)
    • Speech
    Parasites: proxies for host history and ecology ?
    Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] Oliveri, Isabelle (2007) The Master Biodiversity : conservation and evolution. Valencia University — Valencia, Spain
    • Speech
    Let’s bring (back) ecological complexity in sexual selection studies (Invited seminar)
    Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] (2017) seminar in the Department of Ecology — Lille, France
    • Journal article
    Dispersal distance is influenced by parental and grand-parental density
    Bitume, E.[UCL] Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] Olivieri, I. Ronce, O. Bonte, D. (2014) Proceedings / Royal Society of London. Biological sciences — Vol. 281, no. 1790 (2014)
    • Speech
    Transcriptomics of olfactory communication mediated by male sex pheromone in Bicyclus anynana (Invited seminar)
    Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] Arun, Alok[UCL] Baumle, Véronique[UCL] Noirot, Céline Klopp, Christophe Beldade, Patricia (2015) 8th international symposium “Eco-evolutionary dynamics”, Urban Ecology and Evolution — Antwerp, Belgium
    • Speech
    Parasites: proxies for host history and ecology ? (Invited seminar)
    Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] Oliveri, Isabelle (2008) the GDR “ComEvol” of the INRA of Versailles, Paris, France, March 26th. — Paris, France
    • Speech
    Cloning of an ABC transporter gene involved in cadmium tolerance in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
    Hanikenne, Marc Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] Matagne, René F. Wu, Ling Loppes, Roland (2002) IX New Phytologist Symposium: Heavy metals and plants, from ecosystems to biomolecules — Philadelphia, USA
    • Speech
    Selection on male sex pheromone composition drives butterfly bicyclus diversification (Invited seminar)
    Nieberding, Caroline M.[UCL] (2013) Seminar at the Institute of Evolution at Montpellier University. (ISEM) — Montpellier, France
