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Displaying 1 - 25 of 76 results.


    • Speech
    Cycling to work : does the cycling intensity correspond to ACSM Health guidelines ?
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] De Smet, S. Meeusen, Romain (2005) 10th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science — Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro
    • Journal article
    Evolution of the norandrosterone and norethiocholanolone concentration before and after a submaximal standardized effort
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Delbeke, F. De Meirleir, K. Busschaert, B. Van Eenoo, P. Meeusen, Romain (2003) Vlaams tijdschrift voor sportgeneeskunde en sportwetenschappen — Vol. 24, no.94, p.29-30 (2003)
    • BookChapter
    Exposure of cyclists to ultra fine particles
    Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] Vandenbulcke, Grégory[UCL] Meeusen, Romain de Geus, Bas[UCL] Mishra, Vinit Torfs, Rudi Bleux, Nico Panis, Luc I. (2009) Highway and Urban Environment : Proceedings of the 9th Highway and Urban Environment symposium —
    • Speech
    Cycling to work : psychosocial and environmental factors associated with cycling and the effect of cycling on fitness and health indexes in an untrained working population
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Meeusen, Romain (2007) 10de Jaarlijkse Symposium van de Vereniging voor Kinesiologie en Belgische Vereniging voor Sportwetenschappen — Gent, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Cycle commuting in Belgium: spatial determinants and 're-cycling' strategies
    Vandenbulcke, Grégory[UCL] Dujardin, Claire[UCL] Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] de Geus, Bas[UCL] Degraeuwe, Bart Meeusen, Romain Int Panis, Luc (2010) Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice — Vol. 45, no. 2, p. 118-137 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Stretching, een aantal vragen blijven onbeantwoord
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Cumps, E. Meeusen, Romain (2003) BodyTalk (German edition) — no. 247, p. 9-12 (2003)
    • BookChapter
    The use of two double maximal incremental exercise tests for baseline performance measures iin moderately trained athletes
    De Schutter, G. Buyse, L. Meeusen, Romain Kempenaers, F. De Meirleir, K. de Geus, Bas[UCL] (2003) Books of abstracts : 8th Annual Congress European College of Sport Science, July 9-12,2003, Salzburg, Austria —
    • Journal article
    Comparison of two exercise testing protocols in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome
    Nijs, Jo Zwinnen, Kim Meeusen, Romain de Geus, Bas[UCL] De Meirleir, Kenny (2007) The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development — Vol. 44, no.4, p. 553 (2007)
    • BookChapter
    Positivie effects of cold water immersion and active recovery on subsequent maximal climbing
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Heyman, E. Mertens, I. Meeusen, Romain (2008) Book of Abstracts of the 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 9-12 July 2008 Estoril (Portugal) — [ISBN : 9789727351565]
    • BookChapter
    The classification of cyclists : a systematic literature review
    De Pauw, K. Roelands, B. de Geus, Bas[UCL] Meeusen, Romain (2011) 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 6-9 July, Liverpool 2011 - United Kingdom : book of abstracts — [ISBN : 9780956890306]
    • Speech
    Commuter cycling in Flanders
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Joncheere, J. Aerts, I. Breynaert, J. Hellemans, S. Meeusen, Romain (2006) 11th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science — Lausanne, Switzerland
    • BookChapter
    Neuroendocrine changes in overtraining : a case presentation of an anmateur long distance runner
    Buyse, L. Meeusen, Romain Kempenaers, F. De Meirleir, K. de Geus, Bas[UCL] (2003) Books of abstracts : 8th Annual Congress European College of Sport Science, July 9-12,2003, Salzburg, Austria —
    • Speech
    Bicycle crash characteristics in an adolescent population
    Vanparijs, J. de Geus, Bas[UCL] Int Panis,L. Meeusen, Romain (2015) 4th annual congress ICSC 2015 — Hannover, Germany
    • BookChapter
    Hormonal changes due to a 2 bout exercise protocol
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Descamps, F. Bos, I. Buyse, L. Meeusen, Romain (2014) Book of abstracts 19th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science — [ISBN : 9789462284777]
    • Journal article
    Positief op nandrolon door sport alleen ? Geen sprake van
    de Geus, Bas[UCL] Meeusen, Romain (2004) BodyTalk (German edition) — no. 260, p. 1-3 (2004)
    • BookChapter
    Medische begeleiding
    Buyse, L. Roelands, B. de Geus, Bas[UCL] Cumps, E. Meeusen, Romain (2005) Scoren met Jeugd : succesvol runnen van een jeugdopleiding — [ISBN : 9078158018]
