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Displaying 1 - 25 of 51 results.


    • Speech
    First insight in the development by L-PBF of healable aluminium alloys
    Gheysen, Julie[UCL] Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Van Der Rest, Camille[UCL] Pyka, Grzegorz[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2020) International conference on aluminium alloys ICAA17 — Grenoble
    • Speech
    On the local estimation of strain based on SEM high‐resolution electron back‐scattered diffraction
    Alkorta, Jon Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] (2019) RSMB 2019 - Annual meeting of the Royal Belgian Society for Microscopy — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Comparison of the impact resistance of honeycombs and LBM lattice structures
    Delroisse, Pauline[UCL] Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Rigo, Olivier Doneux, Catherine[UCL] Pyka, Grégory Wevers, Martine Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2014) Workshop on Additive Manufacturing for space applications — European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, Pays-Bas
    • Speech
    Deformation microstructure and mechanisms in a metastable β titanium alloy exhibiting TWIP and TRIP effects
    Sun, F. Zhang, Jinyong Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Gloriant, Thierry Vermaut, Philippe Prima, Frédéric (2014) 8th International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC 2013 — Las Vegas
    • Journal article
    Improved mechanical properties of β metastable Ti alloys processed by laser powder bed fusion
    Duchaussoy, Amandine[UCL] Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Choisez, Laurine[UCL] (2023) Materials Science and Engineering: A — Vol. 887, p. 145755 (2023)
    • Speech
    Nanoscale TWIP and TRIP mechanisms in Ti-Mo binary alloys
    Idrissi, Hosni[UCL] Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Sun, F. Vermaut, P. Prima, F. Schryvers, Dominique Jacques, Pascal[UCL] (2015) European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations (ESOMAT 2015) — Antwerp, Belgium
    • Speech
    Effect of process parameters and post-treatments on the mechanical static and fatigue properties of SLM AlSi10Mg alloy
    Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] van der Rest, Camille[UCL] Couturiaux, Gaelle Godet, Stéphane Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2019) First European Conference on Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials (ESIAM19) — Trondheim, Norway
    • Speech
    Efficient optimization methodology for laser powder bed fusion parameters to manufacture dense parts validated on AlSi12 alloy
    Gheysen, Julie[UCL] Marteleur, Matthieu[UCL] Camille van de Rest[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2021) ESIAM21-The second European Conference on the Structural Integrity of Additively Manufactured Materials — online
