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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 46 results.


    • Speech
    Investigation of Healing Ability of 6XXX Series Based Al Alloy Produced by Friction Stir Processing
    Arseenko, Mariia[UCL] Ding, Lipeng[UCL] Idrissi, Hosni[UCL] Maire, Eric Villanova, Julie Zhao, Lv[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2019) 7th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM2019) — Yokohama, Japan
    • Speech
    Friction stir processing of additive manufactured AlSi10Mg parts to improve mechanical behaviour
    Santos Macias, Juan Guillermo[UCL] Van Hooreweder, Brecht Maire, Eric Adrien, Jérôme Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2017) FSWP2017 - 5th International Conference on Scientific and Technial Advances on Friction Stir Welding & Processing — Metz, France
    • Speech
    Heterogeneity informed quantitative micromechanical approach of ductile fracture in 6xxx aluminium alloys
    Hannard, Florent[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] Maire, Eric Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2015) 4th Internatinal Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2015) — Cachan, France
    • Speech
    Microstructure heterogeneity dominated ductile fracture
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Hannard, Florent[UCL] Ismail, Karim[UCL] Miotti Bettanini, Alvise[UCL] Lecarme, Liza Maire, Eric Perlade, Astrid Mithieux, Jean-Denis Brassart, Laurence Delannay, Laurent[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2019) 1st International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials — Ankara, Turkey
    • Speech
    Influence of microstructure heterogeneities on damage in 6xxx series aluminium alloys
    Simar, Aude[UCL] Hannard, Florent[UCL] Maire, Eric Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2014) International Conference on Aluminium Alloys — Trondheim, Norway
    • Speech
    Étude de l’impact du procédé de friction malaxage sur la rupture ductile dans les alliages d’aluminium
    Hannard, Florent[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] Maire, Eric Le Bourlot, C. Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2017) Journées annuelles de la SF2M, Matériaux, microstructures et fonctionnalités — Lyon, France
