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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 37 results.


    • Speech
    A Material world: investigating past identities and space perception through archaeologicalobjects
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2024) IGS Spring Conference. Mediality and self-world relations — Max Weber Center Erfurt, University of Graz
    • Speech
    New Technologies for Ancient Landscapes. How technology impacts Archaeology
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2022) Ichotec Annual Conference — Ostrava University, Czech Republic (online)
    • Speech
    Patrons in command. A seigneurial attitude of late antique élites: the Cecina Deci (centuries 5th-6th AD)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2021) Second International Conference on the Military History of the Mediterranean Sea — Ibn Haldun University-Byzantine Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki
    • Speech
    Liminal Landscapes and Religious Identities: what a space for women in Antiquity?
    • Speech
    "Volaterrani non modo cives sed optimi cives" Vivere a Volterra una città etrusca nel mondo romano
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2022) Seminari di Formazione - Associazione Guide Turistiche (Pisa) — Online
    • Speech
    Casalvecchio 2.0: alla ri-scoperta del sito dell’Acropoli di Casale Marittimo
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2015) Le notti dell'Archeologia — Museo Archeologico di Cecina, Villa Guerrazzi, Loc. La Cinquantina
    • Speech
    Terre di Cecina storie di paesaggi, insediamenti, potere fra Etruschi e Romani
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2022) Cecina nell'Antichità: dalla Preistoria ai primi insediamenti collinari, alla civiltà etrusca e romana — Museo Archeologico di Cecina, Villa Guerrazzi, Loc. La Cinquantina
    • Speech
    Rethinking ancient landscapes in northern Tuscany: RELOAD, preliminary results from the first survey campaign
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2023) 45th International Mediterranean Survey Workshop — Wien, University of Wien, Archaeology Department
    • Speech
    Pisa archeologica: storia delle ricerche nel contesto urbano
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2016) Seminari di Formazione - Associazione Guide Turistiche (Pisa) — Pisa
    • Speech
    Paysages identitaires. Réévaluer les dynamiques de négociation, d’ostentation et d’appropriation de l’espace dans l’Étrurie du Nord (IVe-IIIe s. av. J.-C.)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2023) Identité ethnique et groupes sociaux chez les peuples de l’Italie préromaine: une approche multidisciplinaire — Louvain-La-Neuve
    • Speech
    Technology to Save the Empire
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2020) 47th Symposium ICHOTEC “A History of Technology for an Age of Crisis’ — Eindhoven University of Technology (Online)
    • BookChapter
    Riuso, riciclo, rifunzionalizzazione: pratiche di ‘economia circolare’ nell’antichità? Riflessioni per una topografia dello scarto: il caso volterrano
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2023) Landscape 3: una sintesi di elementi diacronici Uomo e ambiente nel mondo antico: un equilibrio possibile? — [ISBN : 9781803277004]
    • Speech
    "Likes dwarves perched on the shoulders of giants". Tradition and innovation in salt extraction technologies: the case of Tuscany (centuries 15th BC-21st AD)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2021) ‘Giants and Dwarfs in Science, Technology, and Medicine’, Ichotec 2021, 26th International Congress of History of Science and Te — University of Prague, (online)
    • Speech
    Promuovere la sostenibilità in archeologia: RELOAD un nuovo progetto di ricerca sui paesaggi antichi
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2023) 5ª conferenza nazionale AIPH (Associazione Italiana di Public History) — Firenze, Università di Firenze
    • Journal article
    Damna luxuriae: Sugli affari ‘invisibili’ delle élite dell’Etruria romana (I a.C.-I d.C.)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2022) Rassegna di Archeologia — , no.29, p. 235-254 (2021)
    • Speech
    Veterans' Identity, Memory and Networks of Powers. The case of Northern Etruria in the Roman Empire (centuries 1st to 3rd AD)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2021) Veteran Politics and Memory: A Global Perspective, — Warwick University (online)
    • Speech
    Modelling (and simulating) ancient landscapes. RELOAD, a new project for Liminal areas in Northern Tuscany
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2023) Linking Pasts and Sharing Knowledge. Mapping Archaeological Heritage, Legacy Data Integration and Web Technologies — Napoli, Università Federico II (and Online)
    • Speech
    A speaking woman from the past: Arria. Gender perception and re-appropriation from Antiquity to Modern times
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2021) ‘Modern’ Women of the Past? Unearthing Gender and Antiquity — Online conference by The AAIA, CCANESA, AWAWS, CCWM and the University of Sydney Departments of Archaeology and Classics & Ancie
    • Speech
    Enforced displacements and Identity Landscapes. Three case study from the Roman Mediterranean (1 st BCE-1 st CE)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2023) Human mobility and cultural identities through history. Migration, inspiration, transformation — Rome
    • BookChapter
    Women, families and strategies of power: the gens Caecina (centuries 1st-6th AD)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2020) Women who made history — [ISBN : 9788833561660 e 8833561666]
    • BookChapter
    Methodological Issues for the Integrated Analysis of Landscapes of Power: the Case Study of Volterra (centuries 1st BC-5th AD)
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2021) Landscape: una sintesi di elementi diacronici Metodologie a confronto per l'analisi del territorio — [ISBN : 9781407358581]
    • BookChapter
    Quando le città ‘non muoiono’. Il caso volterrano e la Tuscia settentrionale tardoantica: resilienza o antifragilità?
    Limina, Valentina[UCL] (2022) Landscape 2: una sintesi di elementi diacronici. Crisi e resilienza nel mondo antico — [ISBN : 9788881676224]
