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Displaying 15 results.
    • Speech
    The trophic ecology of Taiwanese deep-sea sharks through stable isotopes analysis
    Martin, Ulrich[UCL] Lepoint, Gilles Mallefet, Jérôme[UCL] (2021) 12th International Conference on the applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological studies — Gaming, Austria
    • Speech
    Using stable isotope analysis to explore the trophic ecology of Taiwanese deep-sea sharks
    Martin, Ulrich[UCL] Lepoint, Gilles Mallefet, Jérôme[UCL] (2021) 24th European Elasmobranch Association — Leiden, The Netherlands
    • Journal article
    Discriminating the impact of Na+ and Cl− in the deleterious effects of salt stress on the African rice species (Oryza glaberrima Steud.)
    Prodjinoto, Hermann[UCL] Irakoze, Willy[UCL] Gandonou, Christophe Lepoint, Gilles Lutts, Stanley[UCL] (2021) Plant Growth Regulation : an international journal on plant growth and development — , p. 19 (2021)
    • Speech
    Investigation of proteomic and physiological response of Zygophyllum fabago to cadmium treatment
    Lefèvre, Isabelle S. Planchon, Sébastien Oufir, Moussin Lepoint, Gilles Gobert, Sylvie Hausman, Jean-François Renaut, Jenny Lutts, Stanley[UCL] (2008) Proteomlux 2008, International Conference on Proteomics in Plants, Microorganisms and Environment — Luxembourg, Luxembourg
    • Speech
    An insight into the trophic ecology of chimaeras from New Zealand
    Martin, Ulrich[UCL] Lepoint, Gilles Mallefet, Jérôme[UCL] (2022) Benelux Congress of Zoology 2022 — Courtrai, Belgium
    • Speech
    Investigation of cadmium treatment on gas exchange parameters in Zygophyllum fabago
    Lefèvre, Isabelle S.[UCL] Planchon, Sébastien Lepoint, Gilles Gobert, Sylvie Hausman, Jean-François Renaut, Jenny Lutts, Stanley[UCL] (2010) 24th New Phytologist Symposium, Plant respiration and climate change: scaling from mitochondria to the globe — Oxford, UK