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Displaying 1 - 25 of 60 results.


    • Speech
    L’évaluation intellectuelle chez l’enfant sourd.
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] Deggouj, Naima[UCL] (2012) Journée d’investigations en Oto-Rhino-Laryngologi — Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Bruxelles.
    • Speech
    Traitement visuo-spatial
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] (2014) Troubles de l’équilibre de l’enfant. Approches pluridisciplinaires en ORL, neuropédiatrie, ophtalmologie, médecine physique et revalidation. — Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc, Bruxelles
    • Speech
    Numerical Neuropsychology - Behind & beyond the screen
    Lacroix, Emilie (2021) Ateliers du Cerebrum — Université de Montréal (Québec) Canada (Virtual)
    • Speech
    Vertiges& troubles cognitifs: Le prix cérébral à payer pour garder l’équilibre
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] (2021) Formation spirale — Geneva, Switzerland (virtual)
    • Speech
    Numerical Neuropsychology - Behind & beyond the screen
    Lacroix, Emilie (2020) Annual congress of the AQNP (Association québécoise des neuropsychologues) — Montréal (Québec) Canada (Virtual)
    • Speech
    Cognition and vestibular disorders
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] Deggouj, Naima[UCL] (2017) Royal Belgian Society for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Journal article
    Neuropsychological profiles of children with vestibular loss
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] Edwards, Martin[UCL] De Volder, Anne[UCL] Noël, Marie-Pascale[UCL] Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] Deggouj, Naima[UCL] (2020) Journal of Vestibular Research — Vol. 30, no. 1, p. 25-33 (2020)
    • Speech
    VSAD, a new battery for the evaluation of visuo-spatial abilities in deaf children: a preliminary validation study
    Cornet, Stéphanie[UCL] Deggouj, Naima[UCL] Collignon, Olivier[UCL] Edwards, Martin[UCL] Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] (2019) Royal Belgian Society for Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery - Spring Symposium — Brussels
    • BookChapter
    Neuropsychologie 2.0 des capacités visuo-spatiales
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] Edwards, Martin[UCL] (2021) Neuropsychologie clinique et technologies — [ISBN : 9782807340411]
    • Speech
    Out of body syndrome following vestibular neuritis. A clinical case
    Deggouj, Naima[UCL] Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] (2024) 20ème Symposium – European Society for Clinical Evaluation of Balance Disorders (ESCEBD) (2024) — Nancy, France.
    • Speech
    Neuropsychological profiles of children with vestibular loss.
    Lacroix, Emilie[UCL] Edwards, Martin[UCL] De Volder, Anne[UCL] Noël, Marie-Pascale[UCL] Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] Deggouj, Naima[UCL] (2018) CI Conference 2018 - 15th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Auditory Technology – Antwerp. — Anvers
