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Displaying 14 results.
    • Speech
    Exploring the nature of selective neural synchronization to musical rhythm using frequency-tagging
    Lenc, Tomas[UCL] Keller, Peter E. Varlet, Manuel Nozaradan, Sylvie[UCL] (2019) Synchrony and rhythm interaction: from neurons to ecology — Leiden, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    Infants show enhanced neural response to musical meter frequencies
    Lenc, Tomas[UCL] Peter, Varghese Hooper, Caitlin Keller, Peter E. Burnham, Denis Nozaradan, Sylvie[UCL] (2022) Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD) — San Sebastian, Spain
    • Speech
    Effect of Tone Frequency on Neural Entrainment to Rhythm
    Lenc, Tomas Keller, Peter E. Varlet, Manuel Nozaradan, Sylvie (2017) 7th Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference — Adelaide, Australia
    • Speech
    Effect of tone frequency on neural processing of rhythms: Superior role of bass
    Lenc, Tomas[UCL] Keller, Peter E. Varlet, Manuel Nozaradan, Sylvie[UCL] (2017) Annual meeting of the Australasian Society for Psychophysiology — Sydney, Australia
    • Speech
    Effect of tone frequency on neural entrainment to rhythm: Superior role of bass
    Lenc, Tomas[UCL] Keller, Peter E. Varlet, Manuel Nozaradan, Sylvie[UCL] (2017) 3rd Conference of the Australian Music & Psychology Society — Brisbane, Australia
    • Speech
    Neural tracking of the musical beat is enhanced by low-frequency sounds
    Lenc, Tomas[UCL] Keller, Peter E. Varlet, Manuel Nozaradan, Sylvie[UCL] (2018) Annual Meeting of the Australasian Society for Experimental Psychology — Hobart, Australia