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Displaying 1 - 25 of 35 results.


    • Speech
    Application of aquatic fungi in bioreactors for the treatment of textile dye model effluents
    Junghanns, Charles[UCL] (2011) 5th European Bioremediation Conference — Chania, Greece
    • Speech
    Bioremediation of emerging pollutants using fungi - Successes and challenges
    Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2008) 14th International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-14 — Messina, Italy
    • Journal article
    Harnessing the power of enzymes for environmental stewardship
    Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Parra, R. Jaouani, A. Demarche, Philippe[UCL] (2010) Journal of Biotechnology — Vol. 150, no. supplement, p. S57-S57 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Application of the aquatic fungus Phoma sp. (DSM22425) in bioreactors for the treatment of textile dye model effluents
    Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Neumann, Jan-Felix Schlosser, Dietmar (2012) Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology — Vol. 87, p. 1276-1283 (9 September 2012)
    • Speech
    Treatment of micropollutants with free and immobilized ascomyceteous laccases
    Schlosser, Dietmar Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Hofmann, Ulrike Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2012) 5th International Symposium on Biosorption and Bioremediation — Prague, Czech Republic
    • Speech
    Laccases immobilized on magnetic particles and their application in bioreactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
    Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2010) OxiZymes in Leipzig. Host of the 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases — Leipzig, Germany
    • Speech
    Oxidative enzyme systems from white rot fungi: Removal of organic micropollutants in novel bioreactors
    Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2010) BIT's 3rd Abbual World Congress of industrial Biotechnology — Dalian, China
    • Speech
    Increased laccase production, purification and characterization of extracellular laccase from Cerrena unicolor and Coriolopsis gallica
    Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2010) OxiZymes in Leipzig. Host of the 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases — Leipzig, Germany
    • Speech
    Laccases immobilized on mesoporous silica particles and their application in a continuous stirred reactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
    Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Junghanns, Charles Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2012) Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology in the frame of the Knowledge-Based Bio and Green Economy (EMB2012) — Bologna, Italy
    • Journal article
    Harnessing the power of enzymes for environmental stewardship
    Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2012) Biotechnology Advances : research reviews — Vol. 30, no. 5, p. 933-953 (2012)
    • Speech
    Fungal oxidative enzymes to degrade organic micropollutants in novel bioreactors
    Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2009) Deuxième journée de réflexion de l'EDT GEPROC sur le thème du génie des procédés appliqué aux bioindustries — Espace Senghor, Gembloux, Belgique
    • Speech
    Laccase activity measurement based on oxygen consumption in open systems
    Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2011) 5th European Bioremediation Conference — Chania, Greece
    • Speech
    Production and partial characterization of combined cross-linked enzyme aggregates from versatile peroxidase and glucose oxidase
    Toboada-Puig, R.[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Moreira, M.T. Feijoo, G. Lema, J.M. Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2010) 5th European Meeting on Oxizymes and 9th International Symposium on Peroxidases. Abstract Book, p. 128, Abstract N° P4.23 — Leipzig, Germany
    • Journal article
    Dynamic measurement of oxidase activity based on oxygen consumption in open systems
    Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Ardao Palacios, Inés[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2015) Engineering in Life Sciences — Vol. 15, no.8, p. 804-814 (2015)
    • Speech
    Junghanns, Charles[UCL] Demarche, Philippe[UCL] Nair, Rakesh[UCL] Agathos, Spiros N.[UCL] (2012) 15th International Biotechnology Symposium & Exhibition (IBS 2012) “Innovative Biotechnology for a Green World and Beyond”, — Daegu, South Korea
