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Displaying 11 results.
    • Journal article
    Cycle commuting in Belgium: spatial determinants and 're-cycling' strategies
    Vandenbulcke, Grégory[UCL] Dujardin, Claire[UCL] Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] de Geus, Bas[UCL] Degraeuwe, Bart Meeusen, Romain Int Panis, Luc (2010) Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice — Vol. 45, no. 2, p. 118-137 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Predicting cycling accident risk in Brussels: A spatial case-control approach
    Vandenbulcke, Grégory[UCL] Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] Int Panis, Luc (2014) Accident Analysis & Prevention — Vol. 62, p. 341-357 (2014)
    • Journal article
    Characteristics of bicycle crashes in an adolescent population in Flanders (Belgium)
    Vanparijs, Jef Int Panis, Luc Meeusen, Romain de Geus, Bas[UCL] (2016) Accident Analysis & Prevention — Vol. 97, p. 103-110 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Exposure measurement in bicycle safety analysis: A review of the literature
    Vanparijs, Jef Int Panis, Luc Meeusen, Romain de Geus, Bas[UCL] (2015) Accident Analysis & Prevention — Vol. 84, p. 9-19 (2015)
    • Journal article
    On the location of reported and unreported cycling accidents: a spatial network analysis for Brussels
    Vandenbulcke-Plasschaert, Gregory[UCL] Int Panis, Luc Thomas, Isabelle[UCL] (2017) Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography. Systèmes, Modélisation, Géostatistiques — no. 818 (2017)