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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 140 results.


    • Journal article
    A comparative review of upscaling methods for solute transport in heterogeneous porous media
    Frippiat, Christophe C.[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2008) Journal of Hydrology — Vol. 362, no. 1-2, p. 150-176 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Estimation of laboratory-scale dispersivities using an annulus-and-core device
    Frippiat, Christophe C.[UCL] Perez, Patrick Conde Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2008) Journal of Hydrology — Vol. 362, no. 1-2, p. 57-68 (2008)
    • Speech
    Cavity expansion analysis in elastic – brittle plastic rock mass
    Gharsallaoui, Haythem[UCL] Jafari, Mustafa[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2019) 27th European Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference — Mugla, Turkey
    • Journal article
    Numerical analysis of the set-up around the shaft of a closed-ended pile driven in clay
    de Chaunac, Henri[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2018) Géotechnique — Vol. 68, no.4, p. 332-344 (2018)
    • Speech
    Compactage par damage en profondeur
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] Wallays, M. (1984) Proceedings of the International Conference on In situ Soil and Rock Reinforcement — Paris
    • Speech
    Méthode d'estimation des propriétés hydrauliques des terrains aquifères compressibles
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (1980) International Symposium "The Safety of Underground Works" — Brussels
    • Speech
    Investigation of flow and transport in a composite permeability field created in an intermediate-scale laboratory test tank
    Frippiat, Christophe[UCL] Benson, D. Illangasekare, T. Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2006) Proceedings of the conference Modflow and more 2006. Managing ground-water systems — Golden, CO, USA
    • Journal article
    A Modified Case Method for Piles with Section Step Changes
    de Chaunac, Henri[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2014) Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering — Vol. 140, no. 1, p. 102-109 (2014)
    • BookChapter
    Drivability prediction of vibrated steel piles
    Huybrechts, N. Legrand, Christian[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2002) Vibratory Pile Driving and Deep Soil Compaction — [ISBN : 90-5809-150-3]
    • BookChapter
    Vibratory driven pile performance in Flanders clay - International Prediction Event 2003
    Ma, Tshien[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2004) Cyclic Behavior of Soils and Liquefaction Phenomena — [ISBN : 90-5809-620-3]
    • BookChapter
    Pile Foundations (II): Installation, Quality Control, Performance, and Case Histories
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] Kikushi, Y. (2005) Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering — [ISBN : 978-90-5966-027-4]
    • Speech
    Groundwater Problems in Foundations and Excavations
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (1989) Proceedings of the IXth ECSMFE — Dublin
    • Speech
    Pile Monitoring, Testing, and Data Processing: New Developments and Remaining Issues
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2006) Proceedings DFI/EFFC 10th International Conference on Piling and Deep Foundations — Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    Influence of Soil Conditions on the Possibility of Pile Driving and Maximum Depth of Penetration
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (1985) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Penetrability and Drivability of Piles — San Francisco, California, USA
    • Speech
    The Return Leval Method - A quick method for measuring in situ the Transmissivity and Storage Coefficient of Aquifers
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (1979) VIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (E.C.S.M.F.E.) — Brighton (United Kingdom)
    • Speech
    Compaction for the Flevolijn at Almere
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (1984) Geotechnical Aspects of Mass of Material Transportation — Bangkok
    • BookChapter
    Sheet pile vibro driving: Power pack - vibrator - sheet pile - soil interactions
    Holeyman, Alain[UCL] Whenham, Valérie[UCL] (2008) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Application of Stress-Wave Theory to Piles —
    • Journal article
    Cavity Expansion in Rock Masses Obeying the “Hoek–Brown” Failure Criterion
    Gharsallaoui, Haythem[UCL] Jafari, Mustafa[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2019) Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering — Vol. 52, no. 19, p. 1-15 (2019)
    • Journal article
    End bearing response of open-ended pipe piles embedded in rock
    Jafari, Mustafa[UCL] Gharsallaoui, Haythem[UCL] Victor, Karl Henry[UCL] Holeyman, Alain[UCL] (2019) International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences — Vol. 119, no.-, p. 46-57 (2019)
