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Displaying 1 - 25 of 33 results.


    • Speech
    Improving the impacts of salinity on crop yield by alterning root-to-shoot hormonal signalling
    Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] (2010) SOL2010 Thje Solanacea conference — Dundee, Scotland
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    Kosteletzkya virginica: a halophyte species of interest for agricultural production of salt-affected soils
    Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] Saad, Leila Ruan , Cheng-Jiang Lenoir, Charlotte[UCL] Guo, YQ Mahy, Gregory Lutts, Stanley[UCL] (2006) International Conference : Desertification: Migration, Health, Remediation and Local Governance — Bruxelles, Belgique
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    Impact of salinity of early reproductive physiology of tomato
    Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] Kinet, Jean-Marie[UCL] Lutts, Stanley[UCL] (2006) WATMED III. Novembre 2006, — Tripoli, Liban
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    Root-synthesised cytokinins induce tomato salinity tolerance
    Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] Albacete, Alfonso Dodd, Ian C. Lutts, Stanley[UCL] Perez-Alfocea, Francisco (2010) 20th International conference on plant growth substances — Tarragone, Spain
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    Cambios hormonales en relación con la inhibición del crecimiento bajo estrés salino en tomate
    Albacete , Alfonso Martinez-Andujar , Cristina Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] Acosta , Manuel Sanchez-Bravo , José Dodd , Ian C Perez-Alfocea , Francisco (2007) XVII Reunión Nacional de la Sociedad Española Fisiología Vegetal y X Congreso Hispano-Luso de Fisiología Vegetal — Alcalá de Henares, Espagne
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    Ameliorating the impacts of salinity on crop yield by altering root-to-shoot hormonal signaling
    Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] (2010) The Lancaster Environment Centre Seminars — Lancaster, Royaume-Uni
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    Adaptation des populations d’Atriplex halimus L. aux stress abiotiques. Origine génétique ou acclimatation environnementale?
    Ben Hassine, Abir Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] Mansouri, Sonia Bouzid, Sadok Lutts, Stanley[UCL] (2008) Biotech2008 XI Journées Scientifiques du réseau "Biotechnologies végétales / Amélioration des plantes et sécurité alimentaire" de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie. Juin-Juillet 2008, . — Rennes, France
    • Speech
    Root-Sourced cytokinins to improve salt tolerance
    Ghanem, Michel Edmond[UCL] (2010) Root-Targeted Biotechnology for Abiotic Stress Alleviation - Workshop of the BIOMUR-Foro de biotechnologia de plantas de la region de Murcia — Murcia, Spain
