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All Publications

Displaying 16 results.
    • Journal article
    Effect of Parathyroidectomy On Development of Hypertension and Atrial Responsiveness in Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats
    Schleiffer, R. Ghyselburton, J. Finet, M. Gairard, A. (1991) Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology — Vol. 18, no. 3, p. 145-154 (1991)
    • Journal article
    Inotropic Effect and Binding-sites of Ouabain To Rat-heart
    Finet, M. Noël, F. Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] (1982) Archives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie et de Therapie — Vol. 256, no. 1, p. 168-170 (1982)
    • Journal article
    Contractile activity of human coronary arteries and human myocardium in vitro and their sensitivity to calcium entry blockade by nifedipine.
    Godfraind, Theophile[UCL] Finet, M. Lima, J S Miller, R C (1984) The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics — Vol. 230, no. 2, p. 514-8 (1984)