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Displaying 13 results.
    • BookChapter
    SOX18 and the hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome
    Brouillard, Pascal[UCL] Devriendt, Koen Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2016) Epstein's Inborn errors of development. The Molecular Basis of Clinical Disorders of Morphogenesis. — [ISBN : 0199934525]
    • BookChapter
    SOX18 and the hypotrichosis-lymphedema-telangiectasia syndrome
    Ghalamkarpour, Arash[UCL] Devriendt, Koen Vikkula, Miikka[UCL] (2008) Inborn errors of development — [ISBN : 978-0-19-530691-0]