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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 36 results.


    • Speech
    Deafening silence and repeated stories: How family memories of collaboration and resistance are transmitted across generations
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2019) Meeting for the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XIII) — Cape Cod, USA
    • Speech
    How imagining planning the future helps us remember planning a past event
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2013) 10th Meeting for the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC) — Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    • Speech
    Individual and collective functions of family historical memories
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2023) International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    What am I allowed to remember and transmit? Stories of resistance and collaboration during World War Two in Belgium
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2019) Belgium Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS) meeting — Liège, Belgium
    • Journal article
    Phenomenology in autobiographical thinking: Underlying features of prospection and retrospection.
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] Barnier, Amanda J. Sutton, John (2018) Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice — Vol. 5, no.3, p. 295-311 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Scripts and information units in future planning: Interactions between a past and a future planning task
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] Barnier, Amanda J. Sutton, John (2016) Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology — Vol. 69, no.2, p. 324-338 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Collective memory: An hourglass between the collective and the individual
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] Rosoux, Valérie[UCL] Gijs, Anne-Sophie[UCL] Luminet, Olivier[UCL] (2022) Memory, Mind, & Media — Vol. 1, no. e8 (2022)
    • Speech
    Phenomenology of autobiographical and vicarious memory across the lifespan
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2023) Meeting for the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XIV) — Nagoya, Japan
    • Speech
    The RE-Member Project: Official and Family Memories Related to the Collaboration and Colonisation in Belgium
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2023) Third conference on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for sustainable development — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
    • Speech
    Beyond temporal orientation: Examining past and future thinking through counterfactual lenses
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2017) Meeting for the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XII) — Sydney, Australia
    • Journal article
    Historical family stories serve individual and collective functions for the following generations
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] Luminet, Olivier[UCL] (2023) Brain and Cognition — Vol. 170, no.Supp, p. 106023 (2023)
    • Speech
    TRANSMEMO : L’interdisciplinarité pour construire le puzzle de la transmission intergénérationnelle des souvenirs de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] Bouchat, Pierre[UCL] (2018) 12ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
    • BookChapter
    La mémoire collective, au-delà de l’individu
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] Luminet, Olivier[UCL] (2021) Psychologie des émotions: Concepts fondamentaux et implications cliniques — [ISBN : 9782807315655]
    • Speech
    Between mind, Media, and Society: Visions for the Interdisciplinary Future of Memory Studies.
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2023) Memory Studies Association (MSA) seventh annual conference — Newcastle, UK
    • Speech
    Remembering the past and imagining the future from personal and collective viewpoints during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2024) Collective Memory/Collective Future Thought — Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    • Speech
    Colonial memory - family memories
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2024) Journée d’études « Ex-coloniaux du Congo belge » ARC HERICOL et ARC REMEMBER — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    Growing up in the Shadow of a Nazi Collaborator
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2023) Narrative Identity conference — Lille, France
    • Speech
    Local vs. broader social identity: How are they associated to flashbulb memories and their predictors
    Luminet, Olivier[UCL] Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2019) Meeting for the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (SARMAC XIII) — Cape Cod, USA
    • Speech
    Transcending individual memory: Family stories of Belgian resistors and collaborators of World War II
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2019) International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) — Paris, France
    • Speech
    Functions of Family Memories of WWII at the Mirco, Meso, and Macro levels
    Cordonnier, Aline[UCL] (2023) Memory Studies Association (MSA) seventh annual conference — Newcastle, UK
