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Displaying 1 - 25 of 44 results.


    • Journal article
    Compliance with nasal CPAP in obstructive sleep apnea patients
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Pieters, Thierry[UCL] Aubert, Geneviève Delguste, Pierre[UCL] Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] (1997) Sleep Medicine Reviews — Vol. 1, no.1, p. 33-44 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Cancer bronchique: prévention et dépistage
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Coche, Emmanuel[UCL] (2009) Onco Hemato — Vol. 3, no.6, p. 216-221 (2009)
    • Journal article
    Acerca del mesotelioma fibroso benigno
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Goncette, Louis[UCL] (1999) Archivos de Bronconeumologia — Vol. 35, no.3, p. 143 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Rupture of aortic aneurysm with right-sided haemothorax
    Baharloo, F[UCL] Verhelst, Robert[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Pieters, Thierry[UCL] (1999) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 13, no. 2, p. 465-467 (1999)
    • Journal article
    Why should we enlarge the pharynx in obstructive sleep apnea?
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] (1996) Sleep — Vol. 19, no. 9 Suppl, p. S85-7 (1996)
    • Journal article
    Lysozyme Level of Pleural Fluid
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Galanti, Laurence Delaunois, Luc (1988) Chest : the cardiopulmonary and critical care journal — Vol. 94, no. 2, p. 447-448 (1988)
    • Journal article
    Respiratory failure due to tracheobronchomalacia
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Freitag, L Reynaert, MS. Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] Francis, C. (1996) Thorax : an international journal of respiratory medicine — Vol. 51, no. 2, p. 224-226 (1996)
    • Journal article
    Cytopathological features of solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: a study of 5 cases.
    Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Galant, Christine[UCL] (1998) Diagnostic cytopathology — Vol. 18, no. 2, p. 118-24 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Nocturnal oxymetry in patients with total nasal packing.
    Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] Liistro, Giuseppe[UCL] Hamoir, Marc[UCL] Eloy, Philippe[UCL] Bertrand, Bernard[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] (1998) Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica Belgica — Vol. 52, no. 3, p. 223-8 (1998)
    • Journal article
    Progressive dyspnoea in a 40-yr-old female.
    Ghekiere, O[UCL] Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Coche, Edgard[UCL] (2003) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 21, no. 4, p. 728-731 (2003)
    • Journal article
    EUS-FNA and FDG-PET are complementary procedures in the diagnosis of enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes
    Bataille, L Lonneux, Max[UCL] Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Schoonbroodt, Daniel[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Deprez, Pierre Henri[UCL] (2008) Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica (Multilingual Edition) — Vol. 71, no. 2, p. 219-29 (2008)
    • Journal article
    Movement arousals and sleep-related disordered breathing in adults.
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Dury, M. Delguste, Pierre[UCL] Aubert, Geneviève[UCL] Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] (1996) American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine — Vol. 154, no. 2 Pt 1, p. 454-9 (1996)
    • Journal article
    The single-breath diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide in obstructive sleep apnea and obesity
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Aubert, Geneviève[UCL] Wilputte, JY Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] Frans, Albert[UCL] (1996) Chest : the cardiopulmonary and critical care journal — Vol. 110, no. 5, p. 1189-1193 (1996)
    • Journal article
    CT presentation of left-sided accessory cardiac bronchus
    Ghaye, Benoît[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Piérard, Sophie F.[UCL] Sluysmans, Thierry[UCL] (2018) Diagnostic and interventional imaging — Vol. 99, no.12, p. 827-828 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Lyme Arthritis in Belgium - Report of 3 Cases
    Huaux, JP. Sindic, Christian[UCL] Meunier, H. Sonnet, J. Bigaignon, Geoffroy[UCL] Hantson, Philippe[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] (1987) Clinical Rheumatology — Vol. 6, no. 3, p. 399-402 (1987)
    • Journal article
    Subjective results after uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty
    Rombaux, Philippe[UCL] Hamoir, Marc[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Liistro, Giuseppe[UCL] (1997) Acta Oto-Rhino-Laryngologica Belgica — Vol. 51, no. 3, p. 141-147 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Site of Pharyngeal Narrowing Predicts Outcome of Surgery for Osa
    Collard, Philippe[UCL] Aubert, Geneviève[UCL] Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] (1993) The American Review of Respiratory Disease — Vol. 148, no. 3, p. 819-820 (1993)
    • Journal article
    Le syndrome des apnées liées au sommeil : un diagnostic souvent méconnu
    Devuyst, Olivier[UCL] Aubert, G.[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Coche, Emmanuel[UCL] (1994) Louvain médical — Vol. 113, p. 70-72 (1994)
    • Journal article
    Solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura: a report of five cases diagnosed by transthoracic cutting needle biopsy
    Weynand, Birgit[UCL] Noël, Henri[UCL] Goncette, Louis[UCL] Noirhomme, Philippe[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] (1997) Chest : the cardiopulmonary and critical care journal — Vol. 112, no. 5, p. 1424-1428 (1997)
    • Journal article
    Residual effect of nCPAP applied for part of the night in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea
    Hers, V.[UCL] Liistro, Giuseppe[UCL] Dury, M.[UCL] Collard, Philippe[UCL] Aubert, Geneviève[UCL] Rodenstein, Daniel[UCL] (1997) The European Respiratory Journal — Vol. 10, no. 5, p. 973-976 (1997)
