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Displaying 1 - 25 of 32 results.


    • Speech
    Reconfiguring the local state in Burundi and Rwanda: decentralization amidst authoritarianism
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2023) 9th European Conference of African Studies — Cologne
    • Speech
    Penser l’action publique en contexte autoritaire : Les politiques publiques dans le secteur de l’électricité au Rwanda
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2019) 15e Congrès de l'Association Française de Sciences Politiques (AFSP) — Bordeuax
    • Speech
    Competing Dimensions of Centralisation and Decentralisation under RPF Rule
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2013) Conference «Rwanda under the RPF: Assessing Twenty Years of Post-Conflict Governance » — SOAS, University of London
    • BookChapter
    The politics of state capacity in post-genocide Rwanda: ‘Pockets of effectiveness’ as state-building prioritizations?
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2023) Pockets of Effectiveness and the Politics of State-building and Development in Africa — [ISBN : 9780192864963]
    • Speech
    The politics of policymaking in Rwanda: adaptation and reform in agriculture, energy, and education
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2023) The New Frontiers of Knowledge on Rwanda — UCLouvain, Belgium
    • Speech
    Ideology and interests in the Rwandan Patriotic Front: Singing the struggle in pre-genocide Rwanda
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2019) 8th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) — University of Edinburgh, UK
    • Speech
    The politics of state capacity in Rwanda: The case of the Ministry of Infrastructure
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2019) Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference — Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
    • Journal article
    The politics of policymaking in Rwanda: adaptation and reform in agriculture, energy, and education
    Ansoms, An[UCL] Aoun, Elena[UCL] Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] Niyonkuru, René-Claude[UCL] Williams, Timothy P. (2022) Journal of Eastern African Studies — Vol. 16, no.2, p. 205-227 (2022)
    • Speech
    The politics of state building in Africa: The case of Ghana and Rwanda
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] Abdulai, Abdul-Gafaru (2019) ESID International conference — University of Manchester, UK
    • Speech
    Can Rwanda’s “pockets of effectiveness” advance our understanding of state-building?
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2018) 27th conference of the African Studies Association of the UK (ASAUK) — University of Birmingham, UK
    • Speech
    Explaining the divergence of state effectiveness in Burundi and Rwanda: elite legitimacy and elite legitimation
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2016) 26th conference of the African Studies Association of the UK (ASAUK) — University of Cambridge, UK
    • Speech
    Decolonizing development: How to rebalance power in development programming
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2023) Politics of Development Studies — University of Manchester, UK
    • Speech
    Why commit to development? Explaining the Rwandan and Burundian cases using developmental states theories.
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2015) Developmental States beyond East Asia — University of Newcastle, UK
    • BookChapter
    Singing the Unspeakable in Rwanda in the Summer of 1994: Music in the Context of the Genocidal Abyss through a Portrait of the Artists
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] Mugiraneza, Assumpta (2023) Music and Postwar Transitions in the 19th and 20th Centuries — [ISBN : 978-1-80073-894-2]
    • Journal article
    Taking stock of Rwanda’s decentralisation: changing local governance in a post-conflict environment
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2017) Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal — Vol. 1, no. 6, p. 763-778 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Explaining the design of the Rwandan decentralization: elite vulnerability and the territorial repartition of power
    Chemouni, Benjamin[UCL] (2014) Journal of Eastern African Studies — Vol. 8, no.2, p. 246-262 (2014)
