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All Publications

Displaying 1 - 25 of 62 results.


    • Journal article
    Homogenization of elasto-plastic composites coupled with a nonlinear finite element analysis of the equivalent inclusion problem
    Brassart, Laurence[UCL] Doghri, Issam[UCL] Delannay, Laurent[UCL] (2010) International Journal of Solids and Structures — Vol. 47, no. 5, p. 716-729 (2010)
    • Journal article
    Mean-field model analysis of deformation and damage in friction stir processed Mg-C composites
    Simar, Aude[UCL] Mertens, Anne Ryelandt, Sophie[UCL] Delannay, Francis[UCL] Brassart, Laurence (2018) Materials Science and Engineering: A — Vol. 723, p. 324-333 (2018)
    • Speech
    Plasticity and Fracture in Dual-Phase steels exhibiting a platelet-like microstructure
    Ismail, Karim[UCL] Brassart, Laurence Perlade, Astrid Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] (2017) International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM27) — Leuven, Belgique
    • Speech
    Microstructure heterogeneity dominated ductile fracture
    Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Hannard, Florent[UCL] Ismail, Karim[UCL] Miotti Bettanini, Alvise[UCL] Lecarme, Liza Maire, Eric Perlade, Astrid Mithieux, Jean-Denis Brassart, Laurence Delannay, Laurent[UCL] Jacques, Pascal[UCL] Simar, Aude[UCL] (2019) 1st International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials — Ankara, Turkey
    • Speech
    Micromechanical modeling of short glass-fiber reinforced thermoplastics-Isotropic damage of pseudograins
    Kammoun, Slim[UCL] Brassart, Laurence[UCL] Robert, G. Doghri, Issam[UCL] Delannay, Laurent[UCL] (2011) 14th International Esaform Conference on Material Forming: Esaform 2011 — Belfast, United Kingdom
    • Journal article
    Transient and asymptotic kinetics of mass transfer by coupled surface and grain boundary diffusion in sintering under strain rate control
    Delannay, Francis[UCL] Brassart, Laurence (2018) Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science — Vol. 474, no.2217, p. 20180104 (2018)
    • Journal article
    Unveiling the nanoscale heterogeneity controlled deformation of thermosets
    Chevalier, Jérémy[UCL] Brassart, Laurence Lani, Frédéric[UCL] Bailly, Christian[UCL] Pardoen, Thomas[UCL] Morelle, Xavier[UCL] (2018) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids — Vol. 121, no.1, p. 432-446 (2018)
