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Displaying 1 - 25 of 58 results.


    • Journal article
    Painful thyroid nodule, a misleading presentation of subacute thyroiditis.
    Jonas, Corinne[UCL] Bertrand, Claude[UCL] Michel, Luc[UCL] Donckier, Julian[UCL] (2016) Acta Chirurgica Belgica — Vol. 116, no. 5, p. 301-304 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Need for objective and reproducible criteria in histopathological assessment of total mesorectal excision specimens: lessons from a national improvement project.
    Demetter, P Vandendael, T Sempoux, C Ectors, N Cuvelier, C A Nagy, N Hoorens, A Jouret-Mourin, A PROCARE Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2013) Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland — Vol. 15, no.11, p. 1351-8 (2013)
    • Journal article
    Prevalence of bile duct injury following cholecystectomy.
    Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2003) Acta Chirurgica Belgica — Vol. 103, no.2, p. 143-150 (2003)
    • Journal article
    Review of the quality of total mesorectal excision does not improve the prediction of outcome.
    Demetter, P Jouret-Mourin, A Silversmit, G Vandendael, T Sempoux, C Hoorens, A Nagy, N Cuvelier, C Van Damme, N Penninckx, F PROCARE Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2016) Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland — Vol. 18, no. 9, p. 883-8 (2016)
    • Journal article
    Infection profonde et cure de hernie inguinale par prothèse
    Johanet, H. Contival, N. Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2011) Journal de Chirurgie Viscérale — Vol. 148, no.5, p. 443-446 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Surgery for massive splenomegaly.
    Lemaire, Julien[UCL] Rosière, Alain[UCL] Bertrand, Claude[UCL] BIHIN, Benoît[UCL] Donckier, Julian[UCL] Michel, Luc[UCL] (2017) BJS open — Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 11-17 (2017)
    • Journal article
    Dragon 1 Protocol Manuscript: Training, Accreditation, Implementation and Safety Evaluation of Portal and Hepatic Vein Embolization (PVE/HVE) to Accelerate Future Liver Remnant (FLR) Hypertrophy.
    Korenblik, R Olij, B Aldrighetti, L A Hilal, M Abu Ahle, M Arslan, B van Baardewijk, L J Baclija, I Bent, C Bertrand, Claude[UCL] Björnsson, B de Boer, M T de Boer, S W Bokkers, R P H Rinkes, I H M Borel Breitenstein, S Bruijnen, R C G Bruners, P Büchler, M W Camacho, J C Cappelli, A Carling, U Chan, B K Y Chang, D H Choi, J Font, J Codina Crawford, M Croagh, D Cugat, E Davis, R De Boo, D W De Cobelli, F De Wispelaere, Jean-François[UCL] van Delden, O M Delle, M Detry, O Díaz-Nieto, R Dili, Alexandra[UCL] Erdmann, J I Fisher, O Fondevila, C Fretland, Å Borobia, F Garcia Gelabert, A Gérard, L Giuliante, F Gobardhan, P D Gómez, F Grünberger, T Grünhagen, D J Guitart, J Hagendoorn, J Heil, J Heise, D Herrero, E Hess, G F Hoffmann, M H Iezzi, R Imani, F Nguyen, J Jovine, E Kalff, J C Kazemier, G Kingham, T P Kleeff, J Kollmar, O Leclercq, W K G Ben, S Lopez Lucidi, V MacDonald, A Madoff, D C Manekeller, S Martel, G Mehrabi, A Mehrzad, H Meijerink, M R Menon, K Metrakos, P Meyer, C Moelker, A Modi, S Montanari, N Navines, J Neumann, U P Peddu, P Primrose, J N Qu, X Raptis, D Ratti, F Ridouani, F Rogan, C Ronellenfitsch, U Ryan, S Sallemi, C Moragues, J Sampere Sandström, P Sarriá, L Schnitzbauer, A Serenari, M Serrablo, A Smits, M L J Sparrelid, E Spüntrup, E Stavrou, G A Sutcliffe, R P Tancredi, I Tasse, J C Udupa, V Valenti, D Fundora, Y Vogl, T J Wang, X White, S A Wohlgemuth, W A Yu, D Zijlstra, I A J Binkert, C A Bemelmans, M H A van der Leij, C Schadde, E van Dam, R M (2022) Cardiovascular and interventional radiology — Vol. 45, no. 9, p. 1391-1398 (2022)
    • Journal article
    Letter to the Editor: " Comparison Between Total Thyroidectomy and Medical Therapy for Amiodarone-Induced Thyrotoxicosis ".
    Donckier, Julian[UCL] Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2020) The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism — Vol. 105, no. 8, p. dgaa298 [1-2] (2020)
    • Journal article
    New approach in transanal endoscopy microsurgery.
    Mansvelt, B Dajbog, E Spinoit, A F Dili, Alexandra[UCL] Molle, G Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2011) Journal of visceral surgery — Vol. 148, no.1, p. 67 (2011)
    • Journal article
    Laparoscopic ultrasonography as an alternative to intraoperative cholangiography during laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
    Dili, Alexandra[UCL] Bertrand, Claude[UCL] (2017) World Journal of Gastroenterology — Vol. 23, no.29, p. 5438-5450 (2017)
