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Displaying 1 - 25 of 172 results.


    • Speech
    Could a decellularization protocol be validated without talking about HLA?
    Manon, Julie[UCL] Evrard, Robin[UCL] Fievé, Lies[UCL] Xhema, Daela[UCL] Maistriaux, Louis[UCL] Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Lengelé, Benoît[UCL] Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2024) 31st Annual Meeting of the European Orthopaedic Research Society (EORS) — (Portugal) Porto
    • Journal article
    Perforations of cortical bone allografts improve their incorporation.
    Delloye, Christian[UCL] Simon, Patrick Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Banse, Xavier[UCL] Bresler, Franck Schmitt, Daniel (2002) Clinical orthopaedics and related research — , no. 396, p. 240-7 (2002)
    • Speech
    Vascularized human finger decellularization: subunit approach to hand tissue engineering
    DUISIT, Jérôme[UCL] Debluts, Donovan[UCL] Maistriaux, Louis[UCL] Roels, Thomas[UCL] Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Orlando,G Gianello, Pierre[UCL] Lengelé, Benoît[UCL] (2017) French National Academy of Surgery, Research forum - Annual award for Surgical Research — Paris
    • Journal article
    Structural changes with aging in cortical bone of the human tibia
    Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Duchesne, Pierre-Yves Dhem, Antoine[UCL] (1997) Gerontology : international journal of experimental, clinical, behavioral, regenerative and technical gerontology — Vol. 43, no. 6, p. 316-325 (1997)
    • Speech
    Toward a bio-engineered periosteum
    Manon, Julie[UCL] Maistriaux, Louis[UCL] Fievé, Lies[UCL] Magnin, Delphine[UCL] Heller, Ugo Boisson, Jean Kadlub, Natacha Evrard, Robin[UCL] Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2021) 20th Biennial European Society for Organ Transplantation Congress, ESOT 2021 — Milan, Italy
    • Speech
    PMSC differentiation induced by musculoskeletal matrix : in vitro study
    Manon, Julie[UCL] Evrard, Robin[UCL] Maistriaux, Louis[UCL] Fievé, Lies[UCL] de Ville de Goyet, Christine[UCL] Vanham, P Schubert, Thomas[UCL] Gianello, Pierre[UCL] Lengelé, Benoît[UCL] Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Cornu, Olivier[UCL] (2022) World Orthopaedic Research Congress of the International Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) — (Scotland) Edinburgh
    • Speech
    Osteogenesis imperfecta and sclerostin antibody - Histological evaluation of the bone-tendon unit in the oim mouse
    Chretien, Antoine[UCL] Cardinal Mickaël Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] (2021) ECTS 2021 Digital - 48th Annual Meeting of the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) — Brussels
    • Speech
    Identité morphogénétique de la virole périchondrale des os endochondraux
    Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Lengelé, Benoît[UCL] (2003) 85e Congrès de l'Association des morphologistes —
    • BookChapter
    Elément d'anatomie thoracopulmonaire
    Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] Many, Marie-Christine[UCL] Scheiff, Jean-Marie[UCL] Denef, Jean-François[UCL] Lengelé, Benoît[UCL] (2014) Kinésithérapie respiratoire — [ISBN : 978-2-294-74177-7]
    • BookChapter
    Success rates, risk factors and complications of miniplates used for orthodontic anchorage
    Cornelis, Marie Behets Wydemans, Catherine[UCL] (2015) Skeletal Anchorage in Orthodontic Treatment of Class II Malocclusion : Contemporary Applications of Orthodontic Implants, Miniscrew Implantsand Mini Plates — [ISBN : 978-0-7234-3649-2]
