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Displaying 1 - 25 of 40 results.


    • Journal article
    Nonlinear Microwave Nanoballistic Devices for Frequency Doubling
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Rashmi Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Boutry, Hervé[UCL] Bayot, Vincent[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2004) Belgian Journal of Electronics & Communications — Vol. 2, p. 40 (2004)
    • Speech
    Nanojonctions balistiques pour la rectification et le mélange de signaux aux ondes submillimétriques
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Simon, Pascal[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] Gardès, C. Roelens, Yannick Bollaert, Sylvain Cappy, Alain (2007) "Journées Nationales de Recherche Doctorale en Microélectronique" - JNRDM 2007 — Lille, France
    • Journal article
    Room and low temperature studies of RF to DC rectifiers based on ballistic transport
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Rahsmi[UCL] Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Farhi, Ghania[UCL] Bayot, Vincent[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] Galloo, J.S. Roelens, Y. Bollaert, S. Cappy, A. (2005) Microelectronic Engineering — Vol. 81, no. 2-4, p. 194-200 (August 2005)
    • Speech
    High frequency characterization of polymer membranes with embedded carbon nanotubes for fuel cell applications
    Molenberg, Isabel[UCL] Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Hubin, François[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2008) Scientific meeting of the Wallonia Network for Nanotechnologies (NANOWAL) — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    High frequency characterization of polymer membranes with embedded carbon nanotubes for fuel cell applications
    Molenberg, Isabel[UCL] Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Hubin, François[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2008) Journées de Caractérisation Micro-ondes de Matériaux (JCMM 2008) — Limoges, France
    • Speech
    Nonlinear electron transport in mesoscopic ballistic devices
    Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Gence, L. Faniel, Sébastien[UCL] Gustin, C. Boutry, H. Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] Bayot, Vincent[UCL] (2003) TNT 2003 Conference (Trends in NanoTechnology) — Salamanca, Spain
    • Speech
    Design and characterization of RF ballistic nanodevices
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Rashmi[UCL] Gence, L. Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Boutry, H.[UCL] Bayot, Vincent[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2003) TNT 2003 Conference (Trends in NanoTechnology) — Salamanca, Spain
    • Speech
    Ballistic nanodevices for high-frequency data processing: NANOTERA
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Rashmi[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Farhi, S.[UCL] Bayot, Vincent[UCL] (2005) Feynman Workshop — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
    • Speech
    Ballistics nanodevices: towards THz applications
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Danielle[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2007) Workshop “THz Devices” of the European Microwave Week 2007 — Munich, Germany
    • Speech
    Ballistics nanodevices: towards THz applications
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Danielle[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2006) Workshop “THz Devices: Design, Modeling, Processes and Characterization” of the European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference 2006 - EuMIC 2006 — Manchester, United Kingdom
    • Journal article
    Temperature studies of RF to DC Rectifiers Based on Ballistic Transport
    Bednarz, Lukasz[UCL] Rashmi Hackens, Benoît[UCL] Farhi, Ghania[UCL] Huynen, Isabelle[UCL] (2005) Belgian Journal of Electronics and Communications (Revue HF Tijdschrift) — Vol. 1, p. 62 (2005)
